A PILOT PROJECT ON CAPACITY BUILDING ON ELECTRICITY REFORMS IN BANGLADESH, INDIA AND NEPAL (RESA PROJECT) SLOT Analysis RESA — Nepal Dr. Dhrubesh C Regmi and Asish Subedi Presented at Mid term evaluation meeting Jaipur, India 2 April 2009
Outline of the presentation General overview of Nepali power sector SLOT Analysis — RESA Nepal Way forward
Nepali power sector: general overview Sources of energy Legal aspects Institutional aspects Load-shedding Socio-economic impacts
SLOT Analysis RESA Nepal
Strengths Timely endeavour in raising consumer awareness in ongoing power sector reform in Nepal Only organisation working on the issue Wide geographical coverage even in its pilot phase Networking with a wide range of stakeholders in the sector Bridge between the utility, policy makers, the private sector and the consumers Support from all the stakeholders including political parties, media and the consumers Good team work and systematic implementing mechanism among the partner organisations in the region Sharing of relevant information among the RESA team regarding power sector reforms in the respective countries
Limitations Limited number of project activities Slight changes in project activities posing administrative and budgetary constraints No activity to directly address the most pressing issue of load-shedding in the electricity sector in Nepal Process oriented approach of the project team rather than content oriented
Opportunities Given the low level of consumer awareness and existence of numerous electricity related problems, scope of expansion in relation to activities and geographical coverage Creating a position to push the government for taking consumer-friendly decisions Possibility of a tie-up with various consumer and other related organisations to explore further working options in the sector
Threats State of acute power deficiency limiting the project scope Raised expectations among the different stakeholders including the partner organisations
Way forward RG meeting II GIMs II