Analysis of SIP security Ashwini Sanap (006312787) Deepti Agashe (006331234)


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Presentation transcript:

Analysis of SIP security Ashwini Sanap ( ) Deepti Agashe ( )

Agenda Introduction SIP Entities and messages Security Mechanism Security Attacks Conclusion

Introduction Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Application Layer Signaling Protocol Create, Terminate and Manage Session Similar to HTTP (Request/Response) SIP Identity (URI)

SIP Entities and Messages

Security Mechanisms SIP Security Application Layer HTTP Basic Authentication Secure MIME HTTP Digest Authentication Transport Layer TLS Network Layer IPSec

Digest Authentication Challenge based Authentication Encryption not provided Confidentiality lost

Secure MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension End to End security Encrypts MIME body using public key of receiver PK Exchanged thru Certificates Entity Authentication

Transport Layer Security (TLS) TCP->TLS SIPS (Similar to HTTPS) SIPS ensures parameters passed securely SRTP ensures media is also secured SIPS+SRTP = Protection

IPSec Network Layer Security Hop by Hop Creates VPN between sites Provides Encryption (DES,IDEA), Authentication and Integrity(MD5, SHA)

SIP Based network attacks Registration Hijacking  Authenticate originators of requests

SIP Based network attacks Session Hijacking

SIP Based network attacks Impersonating a Server

SIP Based network attacks : Tearing Down Sessions

SIP Based network attacks : Other attacks include :  Tampering with Message Bodies  Denial of Service and Amplification  Bots and DDOS Attacks

Conclusion SIP is expected to be the future VoIP protocol of choice. Use SIP-optimized firewalls, which both support use of standards-based security and provide the best possible protection where system-wide standards-based security is not possible.