INTRODUCTION Dietary supplements have become such a controversy in todays society. While some people swear that “magic pill” is out there to help them lose weight, gain weight, or somehow help them maintain a healthy lifestyle. The following slides will give you some resources to find more insight to dietary supplements and just how good (or bad) they truly are.
NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH On the National Institutes Of Health website I found a link that will tell you basic yet very important things to consider before taking a dietary supplement such as: Checking with your healthcare provider. Educating yourself on the specific supplement you choose and the interactions it may have to other medications. Who says it’s safe? And Important tips on searching for a safe (and effective) supplement 67.htm
A BETTER UNDERSTANDING The following sources are great websites for educating yourself on dietary supplements. includes links to health information, safety recommendations, and A-Z information on different supplements on the market. Also included is an article from the Huffington Post educating you on common misconceptions people have when it comes to dietary supplements. Click below to be educated. supplements_n_ html supplements_n_ html
BE CAREFUL My biggest recommendation for dietary supplement is to EDUCATE EDUCATE EDUCATE! What a lot of people don’t realize is that there is no ‘magic pill’ that’s going to give you a small waste and a healthy heart. Living a healthy lifestyle is about eat a well-balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and the recommended amount (and intensity) of exercise that’s right for you. Looking at a magazine picture wishing you were that person is not going to change your body and neither will a pill. Take care of your body and it will take care of you. It’s that simple.