3SFE611 Network Design Module Plan
Some Admin stuff Prerequisite is 3sfe518 I will go through the class list later to confirm the prerequisite. No exams People still fail the module And people fail the resist exams
Lectures/Tutorials Learning using Cisco CCNA material Follow-up summaries Scheduled Power Point based lectures Tests in lecture slot Theory and practical tied together so tutorials are important.
Tutorials Worked example sessions plus lab exercises. exercises. Cwk assessed in tutorials, using a timed slot. Tutorials as per time table You will need free time in the labs
Breakdown of Marks Coursework 1 30 % Coursework 250 % Tests20 %
Last Year’s Coursework - 1 Cable making 5 % Simple network fault finding 10 % Simple server set up 10 % Remove router password 5 % ALL done in tutorial slots Timed No notes
Last Year’s Coursework - 2 small office network, dhcp, vsftpd, samba, access control, routing 50%, plus viva/demo Similar for this year report and viva last week of term (may change) Extensions “a bad word”
Tests network hw, similar to some Cisco quizzes ip addressing and subnets –Some of you will fail this test –Important for later work and 3sfe619 routing and routing algorithms –Some of you will fail this test –VERY IMPORTANT topic other network topics 5% each test
Main Topics OSI 7 layer model and TCP/IP model –Data Abstractions –I.E. Format of data at various points in the network layers Network hardware –cables, routers, bridges, NICs, hubs etc
Main Topics (contd) Addressing of parts of network –IP addresses, IPv4, IPv6 –subnets –NAT Routing –Algorithms –Route table
Main Topics (contd) Glue –packets, ethereal etc –tcp, ip, udp –bootp, dhcp, etc –arp,,rarp, dns –icmp, ping, traceroute, etc
Minor Topics Errors Network management SecurityApplications –Requirements of lower network layers
Lab Windows and Linux systems – so you can get experience with both. Get some cables –Cisco console cable (light blue) –Crossover –3 or 4 straight through, CAT5 Maybe get 1 or 2 routers -eBay
Preparation Study the following: –The various devices/hw used in networks –Hubs, routers, switches, bridges, repeaters, transceivers, NICs (and MAC address), patch panel, gateway –Cables, including FDDI (fibre), types, speed, capacity, distance, problems eg interference, where used, how wired (including colours) –Ethernet, fast Ethernet, gigabit ethernet, designations e.g. 10baseT, segments, full and half duplex A test in a couple of weeks
Summary Very interesting Very current as it covers Cisco syllabus Work at a regular pace You will enjoy the module Most boring topic – Alfred Perera But you are stuck with it