Moves Make the Man Chapters 20-24
Chapter The family got a big surprise when their mom came home from the hospital early. 2. Maurice kept charts to prove that they were all getting along well without their mom. 3. Jerome was worried that his mom might has lost some of her “smarts.” 4. The boys’ mom told them to spend an hour a day doing something that they enjoyed.
Chapter Jerome practiced at a new basketball court because by the time he got finished making dinner it was dark. 2. Jerome’s usual routine was to shoot as long as it was light and then practice passes off the run. 3. The ticket taker on the train wanted Bobo and Jerome to play the game so that he could win money on the bets that were placed.
Chapter Jerome collected his lantern by chasing the ticket taker. The ticket taker threw it to him because the passengers would not let him on the train until he gave the lantern to Jerome. 5. Jerome will use the lantern to play basketball after dark at his favorite court in the woods.
Chapter Jerome kept the shade down on the lantern while traveling to the court because he wanted to be left alone and did not want to attract attention. 2. Jerome is surprised to find Bix at “his” basketball court. 3. Bix believed Jerome was a space alien because Jerome said the he was from Saturn.
Chapter Bix becomes angry when he finds out that Jerome is playing a trick on him by saying he is from Saturn. 5. Bix wants Jerome to understand the lesson that honesty is always the best policy. Bix thinks that absolute honesty is the only true kind of honesty and that an honest man must believe that others are being honest and trust that others are as honest as he. 6. Bix’s stepfather said that baseball was for sissies and was not a mans game.
Chapter In bounceball, you shoot the ball at the basket, but you try not to make a basket. You then run to where the ball lands. For each bounce of the ball, you subtract three points. You also subtract five points if the ball goes into the basket. 8. Bix called the lantern spin light because you could spin it around in a circle and the ball of light looked large and beautiful.
Chapter Jerome knew Bix was a fast learner because he took the time to make sure that he knew each step before moving on to the next one. 2. Bix thinks that actions are more important than words. He thinks that being with someone shows that you care about them more than what you say. 3. Jerome loves Bix. He is his best friend.
Chapter Jerome says that the best way to learn defense is to watch your own offense. 5. Bix’s basketball game does not have any fakes or “moves”. 6. Jerome and Bix argue over the use of moves or fakes. They part ways angry at each other. Bix says he will practice an be able to beat Jerome without using any moves.
Chapter Jerome tried to think of his old opponent, Bix, but he was not able to think about him. 2. Jerome’s game changed because he worked harder and played without thinking about the moves, they came naturally to him as he played. 3. Jerome became so confident in his game and was reminded of an earlier time when he had good moves and was popular among other players.
Chapter Jerome’s fakes felt wrong when he was playing against Bix because he knew that Bix disapproved of the way he played. When he played with Bix he could not be himself. 6. Bix’s mother is going through shock therapy because she has been diagnosed with a mental illness. 7. Bix and his stepfather had a fight about the fact that Bix has not been allowed to visit his mom in the hospital. 8. Bix wants to prove to Jerome that he can win a basketball game playing without fakes.