It is on the same island as the Dominican Republic (Hispanolia) Half of the island was owned by the Spanish and half of it was owned by France Population just under 10 million people Capital city = Port au Prince Haiti has two official languages: French and Haitian Creole
47% of Haiti's population is illiterate There are not enough public schools Many kids are forced to attend private schools which charge between $100 and $200 a year per student For poor families, these fees are out of reach, and their children do not attend school
Haiti is the poorest country in the Western hemisphere 80% live below the international poverty line of $2 a day 54% are living in abject poverty surviving on just $1.25 a day Very high infant mortality rate Life expectancy = 62 years (In Canada it is 81 years) More than two thirds of Haitians lack formal jobs Cite de Soleil is their biggest slum
The Cite de Soleil slum
About half the population practices some form of voodoo Voodoo is one of the official religions of Haiti, it is a mix of old African religions and Christianity They believe in God, but also in a multitude of spirits that live in everything During religious rites, believers sometimes enter a trancelike state
In 1492 Christopher Columbus landed on the island The island remained under Spanish control until 1698, when it was split into two separate colonies (one Spanish, one French) The white colonizers made a lot of money in sugar, rum, coffee, cotton, and the slave trade
There was a slave revolt in 1791 Then there was a 13 year civil war The slave armies claimed victory over the French in 1803 In 1804 they declared themselves free They re-named the country ‘Haiti’, or ‘Ayiti’ in Creole, meaning “mountainous country”
Another civil-war 1807 – 1820 The Spanish tried to re-conquer them American Marines occupied the country from
Dr. Francois Duvalier was President in 1957 The corrupt Duvalier, better known as ‘Papa Doc’, changed the constitution to make himself ‘President-for-Life’ Tens of thousands of Haitians were killed or exiled on his orders He died in 1971, and his 19 year old son, Jean Claude, became President “Baby-Doc” was even worse than his father, killing and torturing thousands
12 January, 2010 Catastrophic magnitude 7.0 earthquake 52 aftershocks Death toll 100, ,000 250,000 houses and 30,000 buildings collapsed or were severely damaged
Many things exacerbated the death toll: ◦ Poverty and national debt ◦ Lots of other countries won’t trade with them ◦ Poor housing conditions It led to the worst outbreak of cholera in recent history From , it killed 8,231 Haitians and hospitalized hundreds of thousands more while spreading to Dominican Republic and Cuba
The soil erosion and deforestation have caused severe flooding In 2004 floods killed over 3,000 people on Haiti's southern border Today less than one percent of Haiti remains forested
In 2014, the country received 1,250,000 tourists (mostly from cruise ships), and the industry generated US$200 million in 2014 There are periodic travel advisories warning us not to go Several big hotels were opened in 2014 Haitian Carnival, Jacmel Carnival