Saresolis City is based on people's happiness. With the effort of providing justice, freedom and security, and realization of the common wellness of the people that forms it, Saresolis City is based on people's happiness. With the effort of providing justice, freedom and security, and realization of the common wellness of the people that forms it, Saresolis nation; Saresolis nation;
to guarantee to live together in a democratic way in the circle of constitution and laws, to establish a constitutional state which guarantees the rule of law, to protect all Saresolis and its nation in terms of taking advantage of human rights, culture, custom, and language to make culture and economy develop in order to guarantee all of the people lead an honorable life.
It reveals the will of attribution to strengthening an effective cooperation with peaceful relations among the whole nations of the world, and forming a democratic society.
Taking all these into consideration, the society of Saresolis accepts and conforms the following constitution.