1 ECS CALO LED Control System CALO Piquet Training Session Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ Outline Introduction Calorimeter ECS LED monitoring and control System.
2 Introduction The main aim of the LED monitoring system is to monitor the PMT gain in time of data taking. Other important role of the system will be in time of the detector commission and testing in the LHC machine stops. There are three sub-detectors (PS/SPD, ECAL, HCAL) and each of them has some specifics: number of grouping channels per LED, LED light variation range, requirement of a LED light stability monitoring The LED monitoring consists of three functional parts: 1. Subsystem for a LED intensity control and signal distribution, based on HV_LED_DAC boards common for HV and LED control. 2. Subsystem for a LED trigger pulse control and distribution based on LEDTSB boards. The LEDTSB boards are included into six DAQ projects: PRSDAQA1, PRSDAQC1 on front end PCs PSDAQHVA01W and PSDAQHVC01W; ECDAQA1, ECDAQC1 on front end PCs ECDAQHVA01W and ECDAQHVC01W; HCDAQA2, HCDAQC1 on front end PCs HCDAQHVA01W and HCDAQHVC01W; 3. LED drivers with LV power distribution ECS CALO LED Control System CALO Piquet Training Session Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/
3 ECS CALO LED Control System The 64 channels LED triggering pulse board - LEDTSB has been developed. The board produce the pulses for LED flashing synchronously with a broadcast Calibration command. LED triggering HARDWARE 15 LEDTSB boards have been fabricated and 12 boards installed into the FE crates on the electronics platform. The boards are connected to the SPECS bus through the CROC. For configuring this boards a lbLEDTSB framework component has been developed and integrated into six calorimeter sub-detector DAQ projects. Photo of the ECAL FE crate with two LEDTSB boards cabled to the LED drivers HCAL-A DAQ top level panel with integrated to FSM LEDTSB board CALO Piquet Training Session Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/
4 ECS CALO LED Control System Top level panel (Control Unit) of the sub-detector LED triggering boards LEDTSB There are two level of panels for LEDTSB board. One is the sub-detector top level (Control Unit) panel and others are the expert panels. The LEDTSB boards configuration is performed by standard FSM way with the commands of DAQ partition. There is flexibility for preparing or modifying a LEDTSB recipe: The LEDTSB top level panel allows to load new values from a configuration file or from the dedicated CALO Data Base. The LEDTSB parameters could be modified with using the expert LEDTSB panels too. After updating the recipe content one can save the recipe with specified name (if no name specified the default type PHYSICS is applied). CALO Piquet Training Session Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ Not implemented yet Options for recipes creation
5 ECS CALO LED Control System Device Unit panel of the LEDTSB triggering pulse sequence configuration Device Unit panel of the LEDTSB delay triggering pulse configuration Two LEDTSB expert panels CALO Piquet Training Session Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ One channel settings Load settings from file System Info Editing steps: 1.Edit table 2.Update DPs 3.Apply to HW
6 CALO HV and LED monitoring Control CALO ECS meeting Anatoli Konoplyannikov [ ITEP / LAPP ] ECS LED control improvements Last time the LEDTSB projects were improved in sense of ERROR handling and more informative presentation of the status was added. Screen- short of the LEDTSB control panel defining flashing sequence. Device name appears when apply action is finished
7 ECS CALO LED Control SystemLED intensity HARDWARE 40 HV_LED_DAC boards are used for powering the ECAL/HCAL LED drivers and control LED light intensity. These boards are placed on chariot under detectors and four HCAL board on the electronics platform. For configuring LED intensity this hardware is included into HV control PVSS projects. lbCaloHv framework component has been developed and integrated into six calorimeter sub-detector HV projects. Photo of the ECAL-HCAL HV- LED intensity control board. CALO Piquet Training Session Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ Eight connectors are used for powering LED drivers and control light intensity.
8 ECS CALO LED Control System Panel of the ECAL/HCAL LED intensity configuration (reachable from HV project) Panel of the PS/SPD LED intensity configuration (reachable from HV project) LED intensity control is performed from sub-detector HV projects. CALO Piquet Training Session Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ One channel settings Load settings from file
9 ECS CALO LED Control System Conclusion Additional information about LEDTSB operation could be found on LHCb twiki page: The standard DEFAULT recipe for LEDTSB has been created. This recipe has the LED triggering delay values optimized for PHYSICS settings of the Front-End electronics. For LED timing scan runs the dedicated recipe PHYSICS|TimeScan has been created too. The PHYSICS recipe for HV- LED intensity control boards has been created. This recipe is loaded in the same time with loading HV control values for CW bases. CALO Piquet Training Session Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/