Information for Action: A Journal for Service- Learning Research for Children and Youth Lori Simons Jane Newman Lisa Bardwell Rob Shumer.


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Presentation transcript:

Information for Action: A Journal for Service- Learning Research for Children and Youth Lori Simons Jane Newman Lisa Bardwell Rob Shumer

Venues for K-12 Service-Learning Research There are many places to publish service- learning research in higher education. The Michigan Journal of Community Service- Learning Publications from Campus Compact, AAC&U, CCPH, The Chronicle For K-12 education, the focus has been on teacher education journals (AACTE, Teacher Education) and on disciplinary based journals: Educational Leadership (ASCD) and Social Education (National Council of Social Studies)

Focus on Service Learning Goal of International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement…..encourage high quality research on both topics Decided there was need to develop a journal to focus specifically on K-12 population….to report on studies of service-learning with children and youth

In the beginning…. Discussion at one of the IARSLCE conferences in 2007 focused on expanding research in K-12 education. We considered several sources. Conversations with the National Service- Learning Clearinghouse, the National Service-Leraning Partnership

Support and Collaboration Approached several organizations….got positive response from National Service- Learning Clearinghouse and National Service-Learning Partnership Received funding, through NSLP from State Farm Foundation, to begin journal on youth topics…for 2 ½ years. Connected with NSLP to develop call for articles….and developed peer review board of researchers and practitioners.

History Developed call for articles: from academic researchers, practitioner researchers, and even youth researchers/evaluators. Also produced one book review per journal For past 2 ½ years produced four volumes. Latest is just on website….finalizing last articles. Go to: service-, then IFA Journal

Presentation Today Lori Simons --- present her research article on culturally based teacher education program and its impact on effectiveness with children. Jane Newman --- presents her article on gifted education and service-learning. Rob Shumer: presents on youth led evaluation Questions/comments after both presentations.

Youth Model in Singapore Research in Service-Learning…Raffles School….elite secondary school…top 2% of students Conduct year long project in service- learning Required to develop an evaluation/research plan that tracks their work, measures their progress, and provide evidence of learning and of impact Service-

Developing the Idea On my honour, I promise that I will do my best, To do my duty to God and to the Republic of Singapore, to help other people and To keep the Scout Law. The Scout Promise is indeed a powerful driving force. The commitment to self- awareness, discipline, and compassion are timeless qualities that exemplify the scouting movement.

Developing the Idea While many scouts in Singapore are actively pursuing progress badges and various awards, the Extension Scouting scene in Singapore is not as vibrant. This is attributed to various factors, such as a lack of public awareness and lack of support from the Singapore Scouts Association (SSA). In fact, most mainstream Scouts are unaware of Extension Scout activities or even of the fact that Extension Scout troops exist. The Extension Scouts in Singapore form a diversified group. There are three (3) main categories: physical disabilities, mental disabilities and social disabilities.

Stages of Project Researching Stage: finding out about topic, programs Planning Stage: deciding what to do in program Activities: defining the various activities they would develop over the course of the year Outcomes: determining what impact they had on the Extension Scouts and themselves Future Plans: what they would do to continue development of Extension Scouts

Comments on Extension Scout Program These are 16 year olds conducting research/evaluation! Learn to use evaluation as an active method to get feedback before, during, and after their activities Include several “research” activities to collect information about the topic they are studying and information about how effective their activities are for educating Extension Scouts Reflective components all along the way…learning about Special Scouts…and about themselves Produces engaged citizens who make change

Questions and Answers Reactions to research articles? Comments?