Petals- petals are brightly colored to attract insects such as bees and butterflies into the flower. Petals- petals are brightly colored to attract insects such as bees and butterflies into the flower. Insects pick up the pollen from the flower and carry it to the next flower that they visit. This is how insects pollinate flowers.
Stamen Stamen are the male parts of the flower. Stamen are the male parts of the flower. They make the pollen. They make the pollen. Pollen is the fine yellow powder needed to make a new plant. Pollen is the fine yellow powder needed to make a new plant. Each stamen has two parts, the anther and the filament. Each stamen has two parts, the anther and the filament. The anther contains the pollen and the filament holds up the anther. The anther contains the pollen and the filament holds up the anther.
Stigma The stigma is female part of the flower. The stigma is female part of the flower. This is where the seeds are made. The stigma is sticky to catch the grains of pollen. This is where the seeds are made. The stigma is sticky to catch the grains of pollen. The style is the neck that the pollen travels down to get to the Ovary. The style is the neck that the pollen travels down to get to the Ovary.
Ovary In the ovary, the pollen joins the ovule and the ovules become seeds. In the ovary, the pollen joins the ovule and the ovules become seeds. This process is called fertilization.
Receptacle- The Receptacle is the top of the flower stalk. The Receptacle is the top of the flower stalk. This is where the flower parts are attached. This is where the flower parts are attached. It is often round in shape. It is often round in shape. All the parts of the flower are attached to the receptacle.
Sepals Sepals are special kinds of leaves that form a ring around the petals. Sepals are special kinds of leaves that form a ring around the petals. Their job is to protect the flower while it is still a bud. After the flower has opened, the sepals can still be seen behind the petals. All the sepals together are called the CALYX
Flowering plants reproduce themselves by producing seeds. seeds The seeds also provide the plants with a way to spread out and grow in new places, sometimes a long way from the parent. This is important because if the seeds are not dispersed, many germinating seedlings will grow very close to the parent plant. This results in competition between every one of the seedlings as well as with the parent plant. The competition is for light, space, water and nutrients. All of these are important for plants to be able to grow. competition
BBBButterfly pea ด ดอกอัญชัญ JJJJasmine อกมะลิ, CCCChrysanthemum ด ด ด ดอกเบญจมาศ AAAAmaranth อกบานไม่รู้โรย CCCCarnation ดอกคาร์เนชั่น LLLLotus ด ด ด ดอกบัว FFFFlame-tree. ต้นหางนกยูง RRRRose อกกุหลาบ CCCChinese rose ชบา