Management Information Systems
Presentation On DSS
Presented to Sir Ahmad Tisman Pasha
Muhammad Taha Khan BSIT 6 th 07-06
A system that provides tools to managers to assist them in solving semi-structured un-structured problems in their own way. Programmed Decision Systems Decision Support Systems
Intelligence Design Choice Monitoring Implementation Decision making Problem solving
Un-Structured Semi-Structured Structured
Frame problem into DSS Model Define and formulate problem Use Model to Obtain results Reformulate Problem
DSS should have enough flexibility to adapt to changing needs In a formal MRS flexibility is next to impossible DSS should respond immediately to spontaneous queries
Tools that accompany DSS should be relatively easy to learn and use GUI are becoming more common to DSS Interactive decision making display devices may not be necessary in DSS, they do add to convenience in decision making
DSS is specially useful for higher level managers DSS systems may also incorporate models tailored to decision making environment DSS may also provide tools that assist users in building their own conceptual framework and assessing their progress
Three major components Hardware Software Data
Microcomputers can be used as stand-alone or can be connected to large systems having DSS software Interactive display terminals can be used In stand-alone systems DSS software, models and data may reside on single micro computer
Database Management Module Model Management Module Dialogue Management Module
Support semi-structured or un-structured decision making Flexible enough to respond to changing needs Easy to use