HOMEROOM11/12/14 Write these important dates in your agenda: Wednesday– Workplace Wednesday NJSH Food Drive Thursday– McTeacher’s Night 5:00-8:00 After School Program 4:30-6:00 NJSH Food Drive Last day to pay for the 6 th grade field trip – January 16.
E.L.T. 11/12/14 Warm Up: Complete the adjectives worksheet. Work Session: Parts of Speech Mini Books Closing: Plurals T.O.D. Sheet
LANGUAGE ARTS – WARM UP 11/12/14 GREEN Sit in your GREEN teams. Warm Up – Practice Exercise 2 Main Idea
11/12/14 Essential Question: How can you determine the main idea of a text? Standard: ELA.6.RL.2 – Determine a central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.
LANGUAGE ARTS – WORK SESSION 11/12/14 Reader’s Journey – p. 180 “I Was Not Alone” Answer Questions 1-4 on page 183
LANGUAGE ARTS – CLOSING SESSION 11/12/14 T.O.D. (Ticket Out the Door) In your agenda, answer the E.Q. Homework packet –due tomorrow!
11/12/14 Closing Session Homework: Homework packet –due tomorrow! Add to your Reading Record (extra credit) Each entry needs parental initials!