© 2011 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, on behalf of the WIDA Consortium Introducing the Protocol for Review of Instructional Materials for ELLs (PRIME) Jesse Markow Director of Communication and Business Development April 5, 2011 Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
Introducing PRIME 2 Topics Understand how the PRIME Inventory addresses the elements of the WIDA ELP Standards Analyze instructional materials to determine how they address the elements of the WIDA ELP Standards Use the PRIME Inventory to select appropriate materials to support ELL Programs WIDA Consortium
Introducing PRIME 3 PRIME Background PRIME was developed as a tool for publishers and educators to use to determine how various ELL materials and resources address the PreK–12 English language proficiency standards created by the World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment Consortium (WIDA). WIDA Consortium
Introducing PRIME 4 WIDA PRIME Program What is the WIDA PRIME Program? A training program for educators, publishers, and correlators to understand how the WIDA Standards can be represented in instructional materials. A tool and methodology (the PRIME inventory) to determine the presence of components of the WIDA PreK-12 English language proficiency standards, 2 nd edition in instructional materials. A completed document (the WIDA PRIME Correlation) that indicates how key components of the WIDA Standards are represented in instructional materials. WIDA Consortium
Introducing PRIME 5 What is (and is not) a PRIME Correlation 1.It is a completed document to assist educators in selecting instructional materials based on the PRIME inventory/methodology. 2.It is not an evaluation tool for gauging the quality of the instructional materials. 3.It is not aimed to judge the effectiveness of using the WIDA English language proficiency standards in published materials. WIDA Consortium
Introducing PRIME 6 Sample PRIME Correlation Correlation.pdf WIDA Consortium
Introducing PRIME 8 Elements of the ELP Standards 5 Standards Social & Instructional Language Language of Language Arts Language of Mathematics Language of Science Language of Social Studies 4 Domains Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing 6 Proficiency Levels Entering, Beginning, Developing, Expanding, Bridging, Reaching Model Performance Indicators Language Function, Content Stem, Instructional Supports WIDA Consortium
Introducing PRIME 9 Relationship of the WIDA ELP Standards to PRIME I.A. Linguistic Complexity B. Vocabulary Usage C. Language Control/Conventions II.A. Social & Instructional Language B. Listening Language of Language Arts Speaking Language of Mathematics Reading Language of Science Writing Language of Social Studies III.A. Differentiation of Language B. Scaffolding Language Development A. Language Function (Content & Higher Order thinking) IV.B. Content Stem C. Instructional Support (Sensory, Graphic, Interactive) WIDA Consortium Performance Definitions English Language Proficiency Standards Levels of English Language Proficiency Strands of Model Performance Indicators
Introducing PRIME 10 PRIME Categories I.Performance Definitions A. Linguistic Complexity B. Vocabulary Usage C. Language Control/Conventions II. WIDA ELP Standards A. Social & Instructional Language Language of Language Arts Language of Mathematics Language of Science Language of Social Studies B. Listening Speaking Reading Writing WIDA Consortium
Introducing PRIME 11 PRIME Categories III. Levels of English Language Proficiency A. Differentiation of Language B. Scaffolding Language Development IV. Strands of Model Performance Indicators A. Language Function Context Higher Order Thinking B. Content Stem C. Instructional Support Sensory Graphic Interactive WIDA Consortium
Introducing PRIME 13 PRIME Correlation Document Located at Part 1 – Information about the Materials Part 2 – Definitions of Categories Part 3 – PRIME Correlation Tool WIDA Consortium
Introducing PRIME 14 Part 1: Information About Materials Publication Title(s): ___________________________________ Publisher: __________________________________________ Materials/ Program to be Reviewed: ______________________ Tools of Instruction included in this review: _________________ Intended Teacher Audiences: ___________________________ Intended Student Audiences: ____________________________ WIDA Framework(s) considered: _________________________ Language domains addressed in material: __________________ WIDA English Language Proficiency Standards addressed:___________________________________________ WIDA language proficiency levels included: _________________ Most Recently Published Edition or Website: ________________ In the space below explain the focus or intended use of the materials. WIDA Consortium
Introducing PRIME 15 Part 3: PRIME Correlation Tool I. PERFORMANCE DEFINITIONS IA. Linguistic Complexity (the amount and quality of speech or writing) A. Do the instructional materials take into account linguistic complexity for language learners? B. Do the instructional materials address linguistic complexity for all of the targeted proficiency levels? C. Is linguistic complexity systematically addressed, in multiple lessons, chapters, or units, in the materials? Justification: In the box below provide examples from materials as evidence to support each “yes” response for this section. Provide descriptions, not just page numbers. WIDA Consortium
Introducing PRIME 16 Organization of the WIDA English Language Proficiency Standards In Relation to PRIME I.A. Linguistic Complexity B. Vocabulary Usage C. Language Control/Conventions II.A. Social & Instructional Language B. Listening Language of Language Arts Speaking Language of Mathematics Reading Language of Science Writing Language of Social Studies III.A. Differentiation of Language B. Scaffolding Language Development A. Language Function (Content & Higher Order thinking) IV.B. Content Stem C. Instructional Support (Sensory, Graphic, Interactive) WIDA Consortium Performance Definitions English Language Proficiency Standards Levels of English Language Proficiency Strands of Model Performance Indicators PART 3 of PRIME
Introducing PRIME 17 The PRIME Process STEP 1: Complete Part 1—Information About Materials STEP 2: Review Part 2—Definitions of Categories (use this as a reference guide) STEP 3: Complete Part 3—PRIME Correlation Tool a. Respond to “Yes/No” questions for each of the categories (I - IV) b. Provide Justification examples in the boxes to support “Yes” responses WIDA Consortium
Introducing PRIME 18 Upon Completion Trained correlators submit PRIME Correlations to WIDA Completed correlations will be listed on the PRIME website for educators to use when selecting materials Educators and sales reps/vendors may refer to information in correlations to understand how the WIDA Standards are addressed in the instructional materials WIDA Consortium
Introducing PRIME 20 How to Use PRIME Information Educators selecting materials should consider the following: Program needs ELL students needs based on WIDA proficiency levels Resources – staff and financial WIDA Consortium
Introducing PRIME 21 For More Information Go to Website Contact: Meredith Alt Correlation/Alignment Coordinator WIDA Consortium
Introducing PRIME 22 WIDA Consortium For more information, please contact the WIDA Help Desk: or World Class Instructional Design and Assessment, Questions or Comments?