Metro Transit Hiawatha LRT Rail Lubricator Program
Demonstration of Rail Lubricator Noise Reduction
Picture of curve worn T- Rail Worn rail contact surface in a curve: where the wear takes place.
Wheel tracking in a right handed curve *FRICTION = RAIL & WHEEL WEAR
Benefit of Rail Lubrication LRV wheel resistance around curves is reduced by lubrication. 48% less energy is required by the traction power motors. Lubricant film between the rail and wheel increase useable rail and wheel life.
Operational Advantages Reductions in noise ranging from 6.3 to 22.8 dB, with an average reduction of 12 dB Smoother, quieter ride for our passengers Greatly reduces the possibility of the wheel flange climbing the gauge face of the rail (derailment) Reduces ground-borne vibration
Installation status Six Track Lubricators installed to date in tight radius curves along the LRT alignment. Twelve remaining to be installed to eliminate remaining high rail wear areas.
100’ Radius Curve MOA
Metro Transit Rail Lubricator Controller MOA
Metro Transit Rail Lubricator MOA
Install remaining (12) lubricators GOALS Improve ride quality Improve system reliability Increase infrastructure service life Improve system safety Maintain rail lubrication standards for future expansion