Client/ Brand logo Copyright statement Agency logo Direct Marketing Document (A basic structure) Date Month Year Make sure the logo definition is sharp
Client/ Brand logo Copyright statement Agency logo The Primary Objective of the Brief Put down what you understand to be the brief’s Primary Objective. Make sure the objective is single minded Multiple/blurred objectives are the route to compromise - and compromise is the route to failure Make sure it is SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely)
Client/ Brand logo Copyright statement Agency logo The Primary Objective of the Brief If the Primary Objective is not single-minded and crystal clear to you, ask the brand team which of these questions is most appropriate to work it out: “What evaluation data will determine if the campaign has been a success or not?” “What tangible objective, if achieved, will deliver the highest pay back?”
Client/ Brand logo Copyright statement Agency logo Agency’s Objective To develop a powerful, visible and ownable campaign that will: Deliver (Brand’s business objectives – share, sales, or whatever) Deliver (the Brand’s communication and/or marketing objective) Positively differentiate (Brand name) from (the competition) in the eyes of (the target audience of the brief)
Client/ Brand logo Copyright statement Agency logo A rigorous approach to the Brief 1. Present a complete understanding of the challenges faced by the Brand and how specific challenges relate to this brief 2.Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the primary audience 3.Use the Brand’s Positioning statement (and USP if it has one) and the insight into the target audience to determine which simple message will most engage with (the target audience) to maximise the achievement of (the marketing objective): The simple message becomes the proposition.
Client/ Brand logo Copyright statement Agency logo A rigorous approach to the Brief 4.Decide which medium/media are most appropriate/cost effective to deliver this message at the most opportune time to meet the objective. 5.Data Processing/Media Planning proposal 6.Test strategy/proposal
Client/ Brand logo Copyright statement Agency logo A rigorous approach to the Brief 7.The mechanic/technique that will maximise response levels 8.Establish how the response will be followed up. 9.Explain how the campaign will be evaluated (so that it can be demonstrated that the brief’s business objectives have been achieved)
Client/ Brand logo Copyright statement Agency logo 1. The Challenge of the Brief (In no more than 1 or 2 pages) Review your understanding of: The Brand’s customers (if different to the brief’s target audience) The Brand’s marketplace The Brand’s personality How do these interrelate with the primary objective?
Client/ Brand logo Copyright statement Agency logo 1. The Challenge of the Brief Demonstrate quickly/prove that you understand the key issues facing this brand/brand team. Include what challenges (if any) need to be met/overcome for the agency/The Brand to achieve the brief’s primary objective. What considerations must be taken into account?
Client/ Brand logo Copyright statement Agency logo 1. Competitor understanding If relevant to the brief, review your understanding of the Brand’s primary competition. What are their USPs? Strap lines? Positioning? Do you also need to demonstrate your understanding of the Category?
Client/ Brand logo Copyright statement Agency logo 2.Key consumer insights that have driven the Strategy Agree with Planning how to gain the (consumer) insight. Use the MarketingMentor section ‘Understand your target audience’ for guidance. Create a Pen Portrait
Client/ Brand logo Copyright statement Agency logo 2.Changing what they think What do we want them to think about (the Brand) What do we want them to do?
Client/ Brand logo Copyright statement Agency logo 3.The Brand Positioning (The Brand’s Positioning statement)
Client/ Brand logo Copyright statement Agency logo 3.The Brand’s USP Positioning The Brand’s unique selling proposition OR The unique selling personality Brand personality is often a more powerful sales message than a Unique selling proposition. Few brands have a substantial USP, and consumers are often more comfortable buying a personality that they want to associate with.
Client/ Brand logo Copyright statement Agency logo 3.The campaign Proposition The Proposition: (The single-minded benefit-led proposition, ideally using the Brand’s USP, if it has one) Support: (Why should this statement be believed?)
Client/ Brand logo Copyright statement Agency logo 3.The campaign Proposition What is the rationale for this Proposition? Why is this Proposition the most persuasive message we can put to our audience to get them to do what we want
Client/ Brand logo Copyright statement Agency logo 4.The ideal medium/media Which medium/media are most appropriate/cost effective to deliver this message at the most opportune time to meet the brief’s primary objective? Why? How responsive is our audience to the/each medium?
Client/ Brand logo Copyright statement Agency logo 4.Communication Strategy - media The simpler this is, the more likely the campaign will achieve its objective
Client/ Brand logo Copyright statement Agency logo 5. Data processing/Media planning Depending on the medium/media used, explain how the target audience will most cost effectively be targeted.
Client/ Brand logo Copyright statement Agency logo 6.The test proposal See the appropriate MarketingMentor section for guidance on what and how you should test. (See the ‘Your strategic approach’ in the ‘The brief and your strategy’ tab).
Client/ Brand logo Copyright statement Agency logo 7.The mechanic/offer Go through the options in the ‘Promotional Mechanics’ tab on the Home Page. Make use of the document ‘Matching the Objective to the Mechanic’ in the Consumer section. Give the rationale for the chosen mechanic Also for a bit of inspiration, have a look at ‘Direct marketing offers – 57 varieties’ in Chapter 7.5 of the IDM Practitioner’s Guide (pages 12 to 21).
Client/ Brand logo Copyright statement Agency logo The Creative Work
Client/ Brand logo Copyright statement Agency logo Creative rationale
Client/ Brand logo Copyright statement Agency logo Implementation process Go into enough detail to reassure the Client that the Agency is experienced and competent using the chosen media, method and mechanic.
Client/ Brand logo Copyright statement Agency logo 8.The follow-up to the campaign What follows up the response? When?
Client/ Brand logo Copyright statement Agency logo 9.The campaign evaluation Agree with Planning, what evaluation/measurement proposal should be put forward to prove that the brief’s primary objective has been achieved.
Client/ Brand logo Copyright statement Agency logo The Time Plan Give the key dates here – using the template in the ‘100 templates’ tab on the Home Page.
Client/ Brand logo Copyright statement Agency logo Budget Overview Use the Budgeting template in the ‘100 Templates’ tab to develop a Budget Breakdown for the campaign.
Client/ Brand logo Copyright statement Agency logo Copyright This proposal is presented on the basis that it will be treated as confidential by the recipient. The recipient will ensure that it is only seen by those of its senior managers who need to see it. This proposal shall not be used in whole or in material part without (Agency name’s) agreement. This proposal is a copyright work of (Agency name’s) and may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form or any media without the prior written consent of (Agency name). The client is recommended to discuss with (Agency name) any points made in the proposal relating to the client’s company, products or Business All information, advice and forecasts of redemptions given by (Agency name) are estimates and expressions of opinions only, and whilst they are given in good faith, the client makes use of such information, advice and forecasts at its own risk (Agency name) recommends that all proposals are reviewed by the client’s specialist legal advisers before implementation. However, (Agency name) can arrange for legal clearance to be obtained for the proposal following written instruction from the client