Why Developmental Math? A Look at the Data Presented by Dr. Patricia Walter Summer Academy 2009
QEP = Quality Enhancement Plan A Core Requirement 2.12 of the Principles of Accreditation which requires an institution to have a plan for increasing the effectiveness of some aspect of its educational program relating to student learning. The Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) is a vehicle by which institutions can increase their overall quality and effectiveness by focusing on one issue that can improve student learning (Silver, 2008).
Defining the Topic Faculty Survey Barriers to Student Learning Student Focus Groups Narrowing the Topic Focus Groups Data Finding A Topic TopicsWhite Papers
Developmental Education 1 st Year Advising/Orientation Reading/Math Across the Curriculum Freshman Seminar Learning Communities/ Applied Content Model Supplemental Instruction Portfolios Critical Thinking
Focus Groups on Math Barrier Need More Math Courses Improve Student Learning Need Basic Math Skills Improve Student Learning Application
Retention, Success Rate, and Completer Success Del Mar College Office Institutional Effectiveness National Benchmark Data (2007)
Percentage of FTIC Students Testing into Developmental Education Del Mar College Institutional Research – NADE Data
First Time in College Students’ Success Rates Within A Two Year Period Del Mar College Office of Institutional Research – NADE Data
Logic Basic Math Skills Simple Algebra Measurement Concepts Charts and Graphs Statistics Faculty Survey
I was in College Algebra at first, but I went back a notch and this is my speed.
I wasn’t advised. I asked a counselor to place me to refresh myself.
I never was interested in math. I just got through.
I have anxiety attacks when testing since only tests count toward the final grade. I usually drop the class.
There are no tutors who specialize in the math course I am taking. I love the math tutoring center. The room was too noisy. I never went back. I used it once and it was extremely helpful.
Orientation/ Refresher Courses Affective domain Curriculum Placement Advising Student Services Students’ successful completion of their required developmental math course sequence. Pedagogy
GOAL: To improve students’ successful completion of their required developmental math course sequence.
Objectives Increase the rate of initial enrollment into developmental math immediately after placement determination. Decrease the number of students who withdraw or stop attending their developmental math courses. Increase the rate of successful completers in developmental math course. For students needing a subsequent developmental math course, increase the rate of enrollment in the next semester.