M ICROSOFT E XCEL From the classroom of Ms. Sisson
W HAT IS M ICROSOFT E XCEL ? Software program that helps the user to analyze numbers and data. Helps the user show information with charts and graphs Allows you to use multiple formats to organize data.
T ERMS TO K NOW Spreadsheet: Grid of rows and columns to enter text, numbers, and results of calculations. Worksheet: Computerized spreadsheet Workbook: File to store multiple worksheets
A CTIVE C ELL Cell that is currently selected and Indicated with a dark black box around the cell Active cell
A CTIVE W ORKSHEET The worksheet that is currently selected Indicated by a white sheet tab Double click on the tab to change the name Active worksheet
A DJACENT R ANGE Selected group of cells where all the touch Group is highlighted in blue and surrounded by a black box Adjacent range
C ELL Each rectangular box in a worksheet Every cell has a unique number indicated by the intersection of the column and row cell
C ELL R EFERENCE Cell reference The unique name of each cell The name of the active cell is shown in the Name Box
C OLUMN Vertical grouping of cells Each column is indicated by a letter column
F ORMULA Equation used to calculate a new value using numbers or text in other cells Formula appears in the Formula Bar formula
F ORMULA B AR Displays the formula, numbers, or text that was entered into the active cell Formula bar
N AME B OX Displays the reference number for the active cell name box
N ON -A DJACENT R ANGE Selected group of cells that are not all touching All selected cells will be highlighted in blue non-adjacent range
O RIENTATION Allows you to select the view of the document when you print Landscape – Long edge of the paper at the top Portrait – Short edge of the paper at the top orientation
R OW Horizontal grouping of cells Each row is indicated by a number row
S HEET T AB Tab at the bottom of the page for each worksheet A workbook may have multiple worksheets sheet tab
F ORMULAS Always begin with = Adding two cells: =A2+B2 Subtracting two cells: =C1-C2 Multiplying two cells: =A1*B1 Dividing two cells: =E3/F3 Average a range of cells: =AVERAGE(A1:A10) Find a percentage of a cell: =D4*25% Add a range of cells: =SUM(B2:H2)
C HARTS Column Line (time) Pie (percentages) Bar Area Scatter