The chrysanthemum flower, commonly known as a mum, is a beautiful wide flower that comes in many different colors. Most chrysanthemums either have a white center with white petals around the outside of it, similar to a daisy, or a pompon-like appearance. The chrysanthemum flower symbolizes the sun and meditation, and mythology says if you place a chrysanthemum flower at the bottom of a wine glass, you’re asking for a long and healthy life. They were also first grown in the Eurasian Region. ~About~
Houston High School 423 West Pine (417) ~Contact~
Garden chrysanthemums grow best in a variety of soils but must have excellent drainage conditions. Growth is poor and winterkill likely in poorly drained wet soils. Sunny locations are good sites. Plants in semi-shady locations will be taller, have weaker stems, and bloom later in the fall. Incorporate 2 - 4" of peat moss, compost, or well-rotted barnyard manure into the soil. ~Soil~
There are more than 16 Chrysanthemum flower types. Many in which you can not find around here. There an origin that symbolizes fidelity, optimism, joy, long life, love, truth and loyal love, and slighted love. ~Varieties ~