Bellwork A – 8/21/12 B – 8/22/12 Recall how “Please remember how every animal cries” helps us remember Mr. B’s scientific method. Using the same idea come up with your own sentence.
A quick review…
Mr. B’s Scientific Method (A systematic approach for searching for answers)
PURPOSE What do you want to find out? Should be in the form of a question.
RESEARCH To find out as much as you can about the subject. You can do this by using books, internet, interviews, ect.
HYPOTHESIS Your best answer to your purpose question. (not a guess!) Is to be developed from imagination, creativity and reason
EXPERIMENT Testing your hypothesis Results should support or not support your hypothesis statement
ANALYSIS Break down the results of the experiment to make it meaningful Can be a chart, graph, table, or other graphic organizers
CONCLUSION What did you find out during the scientific process. Was your hypothesis supported by your findings?
Scientific Method Test No cheating…
Grade Scale -0 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Scientific Method Poem
End of class Bellwork Write down two sentences about what you learned in class today.