Tutorial for Windows XP -Group : Adobe Photoshop – Targeted URL : Robert Bonfante Kyle Gamble Jonghyun na Christina Oh
Who is targeted Audience : Adults, Technical users, Students, Any users who does have basic internet knowledge. Any users who can access internet. What makes the tutorial content appropriate or inappropriate for that audience? Tutorial contents are appropriate for those who have basic internet knowledge because web page carries numerous questions that directs to tutorial webpage. Questions are all based upon common knowledge. Level of knowledge that audience should have to be able to understand the tutorial: All computer beginners should be able to understand these materials. If they understand simple directions, they should be able to learn the basic knowledge of Windows XP through each tutorials.
Tutorial Format is made out of HTML web pages. Tutorial indeed use screen captures, and each tutorials are numbered form. Overall, tutorial is well-organized based on Windows XP question that user may ask. User can choose different topics(questions). By reading its tutorial, user may understand its material and how things are operated.
What is the tone?(formal, informal, colloquial/conversational, serious, humorous?) The tone is brisk and technical. Does the tutorial hold your interest? Yes. Why or why not? The tutorial is very comprehensive, yet easy to read. There are a lot of helpful graphics, and many of the instructions are written in list form. The headings are bold, which makes finding individual topics and questions easy. All of the questions are easily accessible from the Table of Contents.
Are the directions easy or difficult to follow? The directions are easy to follow. Are all the steps present? Yes. If not, what is missing?
Do at least one of the lessons from the tutorial and discuss how well/badly it worked(a tutorial example including graphic if possible) Working through the tutorial “How do I change the date and/or time?” was very simple and straightforward. The tutorial explains every feature on the date & time settings and provides easy access directions. The tutorial says to Highlight ‘Settings’ in the 2 nd step, but you only need to do this if you’re using the Classic Theme for Windows XP. This could become unclear for a beginner. The graphics included in the tutorial were very supportive of what was going on.
Conclusion From what you learned from evaluating this tutorial, what will you need to do when composing your process manual? The process manual will need to be highly organized so the user can easily navigate through the material. The material itself will need to be presented clearly and simply enough so that a beginner can understand the process. What things will you be sure not to do? One thing to be sure of is not to assume the skill level of the users unless you previously state the skill level required to complete the tutorial.