The People Who Shaped Kamehameha.... Lowen Deniz, Hayden Wills, Travis Namohala, Jeremy Mcmillan P.d. 8
Keoua Kalanikupuapaikalani Nui -King of Hawaii -Married to Princess Kalanikauleleieiwi -Father of King Kamehameha -Brought him on this planet -From the Big Island
Kiwala‘o Kiwala‘o was the son of Kalaniopu‘u Briefly the ruler of the island of Hawai‘i Married Queen Liliha At the death of Kalaniopu‘u, the island of Hawai‘i was divided between Kamehameha and Kiwala‘o A dispute between their chiefs at Keomo led to an outbreak of war He was killed in combat by Ke‘eaumoku
Expert navigator Discovered Hawai'i Brought over diseases Introduced new technology to Kamehameha Helped Kamehameha win battles and thus uniting the Hawaiian Islands. Captain Cook