Recent D0 results on Quarkonium HAN, Liang Univ. of Science & Technology of China Univ. of Manchester presenting D0 Collaboration ( commented by Rick Van Kooten D0 B-convener) - Tevatron & D0 Run2 - X(3872) - Bc meson - Upsilon(1S)
Tevatron & DØ RunII com: 1.96 TeV PPbar lumi: 2E32 cm -2 s -1 Xing: 396 ns Main Injector (new) Tevatron DØCDF Chicago p source Booster
Pseudo rapidity: ln(tg( Spatial separation: △ R 2 = △ 2 + △ 2 Tracking & Vertex: - Silicon Microvertex Tracker (SMT) + Central Fiber Tracker (CFT) + 2T Solenoid - good tracking, vertex, impact parameter measuring performance
Muon system: - 3 layer, 1 layer (A) in 1.8T Toroid - Good coverage: central | |<1 forward 1<| |<2 - Muon-Tracking match muon candidate - fast and efficient Di-Muon Trigger
The observation of X(3872) J/ ( + - ) + -
First observed confirmed
Events Selection: - Apr 02 – Jan 04, ~230pb -1 - di-muon triggered - 2 well identified muon tracks, opposite charged < M( + - ) < 3.35 GeV/c 2 - pT( + - > 5 GeV/c opposite charged tracks, with spatial separation as △ R(J/ + -, each ) < 0.4 - pT( ) > 0.7 GeV/c 2 - M( + - ) > 0.52 GeV/c 2 - A good ( ) Vertex, for 5 degree of freedom, i.e. 4 tracks from the same vertex - ≤ 100 tracks in the event + - from J/ add ” + - ” tracks
After CUT - Use mass difference (to J/ ) for better resolution △ M = M( + - + - ) – M( + - ) - data fit: (2S), Gaussian (solid) X(3872), Gaussian (solid) background, 3rd order polynomial (dashed) - X(3872) candidates 522 ± mass difference ± 3.1(stat) ± 3.0(syst) MeV/c 2 - fitted width 17 ± 3 MeV/c 2 Results:
X(3872) production and decay property studies: split data into two sub-samples with production variables: b) Rapadity: - |y| < 1 (central) - 1 < |y| < 2 (forward) a) pT(J/ ) : - pT < 15 GeV - pT > 15 GeV d) xy decay length dl (“prompt” or from B-decay): - dl < 100 m - dl > 100 m
c) Helicity Cos( ), i.e. boost X and one of pions into di-pion rest frame and measuring the open angle: - Cos( ) < Cos( ) > 0.4 f) Helicity Cos( ), i.e. boost X and one of muons into di-muon rest frame and measuring the open angle: - Cos( ) < Cos( ) > 0.4 e) Isolation, i.e. the ratio of X momentum to the sum of all tracks’ momentum in Cone 0.5 to X: - iso = 1, “isolated” - iso < 1 spliting with decay variables:
pT > 15 GeV |y| < 1 Cos( ) < 0.4 Cos( ) < 0.4 isolated dl < 0.01cm The properties of production and decay of X(3872) appears consistent with (2S) within errors For production/decay variables: - Calculate the ratio of one sub-sample to the total, eg N |y| < 1 :N total - Then compare X distribution with (2S) benchmark
What’s the X(3872) - Charmonium? L-excited multiplet splits much more than expected by assuming Coulomb-Scalar confinement -“meson-molecule” ? M(D - +D *+ )=3879.5±0.7MeV M(D 0 +D *0 )=3871.5±0.5MeV (coincident?) appears unexpectedly narrow
Summary of X(3872): - (522±100) candidates of signal are established with 230 pb -1 data - Selected production/decay properties of X(3872) are similar to those of (2S) within error - Confirm the existence of X(3872) with mass difference △ M = M(X) – M(J/ ) = ± 3.1(stat) ± 3.0(syst) MeV/c 2 search for charged analog, X + J/ + 0 search for radiative decays - Next step:
The observation of Bc J/ ( + - ) +
Bc -- last of ground state of meson - The only previous evidence by CDF RunI - Theory predictions : [1] C.Chang et al, PRD49(1994)3399 [2] E.Ebert et al, hep-ph/ ; PRD68(2003) M Bc ~ 6.4 GeV Bc ~ ps -- c ~100 m, significantly shorter than B Bc ± J/ ( + - ) ± -- Br~2.4% + trilepton final state + easy to trigger
Events Selection: - 210pb -1 data - di-muon triggered - M( + - ) within 0.25 GeV of J/ - a third track ( pT>1.5 ) with best common vertex fit to J/ ( ) : “J/ +1 track” data control sample - The third “+1” track should be muon, with M(J/ ) < 8 GeV due to missing neutrals, the select samples are polluted by background severely after Selection: use ( ) invariant mass and pseudo proper time distributions to fit
Signal shape (MC): - MC templates of M Bc 5.5 – 6.7 with 0.1GeV interval - Full detector smearing + Selection Background shape (data): - use J/ +1 track control data sample - divided into 2 subsets: 1) “prompt” J/ 2) “heavy flavor” one from B decay - cross-checked with (2S) + 1 track bkg dominated data Bc Fit: extract signal from a combined unbinned likelihood fit to J/ invariant mass and proper time 5.95 ±0.34 GeV Bc mass log likelihood
“Floating” fit signal + bkg distributions: Signal 95.5±11.8 Total 231 Prompt 66.0 Heavy F 69.5 Number of events With significance SB in excess of 5 standard deviations
Consistency check: Simple counting analysis - normalize background J/ +1 track sample to selected sample with T>2 - check excess consistency with data Fit w/o signal 2log(likelihood)=60 for 5 degrees of freedom
Systematic uncertainties:
b b c c Bc Something else: -The associated c-quark likely results in a charmed hadron proximity to the Bc - charmed mesons decay semileptonically occasionally Test Probability of extra within ±90°: - J/ +1 track background control sample, 1% - Selected Bc candidates, 5 out of 108, 5±2%
Summary: Preliminary results on Bc with significantly more statistics Events: 95 ± 12±11 Mass: 5.95 ±0.34 GeV/c Lifetime: ±0.121 ps
The production of Upsilon(1S)
Theory modeling of production: - factorized QCD calculations to O( 3 ) currently employed by Pythia - color-singlet, color-evaporation, color-octet models (1S) Tevatron: - 50% produced promptly, i.e. at primary vertex and relatively isolated - 50% from excited states radiative decay Event selection: - luminosity: ± 10.3 pb -1 - di-muon: pT>3, tight Tracking and Calorimeter isolation cut - invariant mass in 7 – 13 GeV
’s |y| ‘s P T Data sample partition: - y1: 0 < |y | < y2: 0.6 < |y | < y3: 1.2 < |y | < 1.8 Sample fit: - Background: 3 rd order polynomial - (1,2,3S) resonances: double Gaussian - the mass and width of (1S) are free parameters; others are fixed relative to the mass
Evaluating the (1S) Production Xsec: with eff in different rapidity region: The measured cross-section × BR( (1S) ) is as
- No strong dependence on rapidity observed 749±20±75 781±21±78 598±19±56 with 6% luminosity uncertainty
Run2 preliminary results consistent with CDF Run1
Summary: measurements of production at D0 to 1.8 rapidity region The pT spectrum does not show significant difference in various rapidity region Results consistent with CDF RunI’s - CDF √s=1.8TeV, |y|<0.4, d /dy*Br =680±15±18±26 pb - D0 √s=1.96TeV, |y|<0.6, d /dy*Br =749±20±75±49 pb - PYTHIA predict a factor of 1.11 from 1.8 to 1.96 TeV
Thank you!
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