Welcome to HS275 Professionalism in Healthcare Julie Herron R.N., M.S.
Syllabus Located under the Course Home link named Syllabus Located in DocSharing Please read it well! All grading criteria is listed Expectations are clear! Make note of due dates!
Announcements Please read your announcements weekly and faithfully Announcements will contain information on projects Announcements will contain hints and fun facts Announcements will keep you informed
AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) Can be downloaded here for free My AIM: JAHerron2
Seminar Option 1 There are only 2 Seminars scheduled for this course Grading rubric in syllabus – 30 points Frequent interactions on concepts being discussed by students and instructor Posts are on topic and contribute to the quality of the seminar Student arrives on time and stays the entire seminar Student supplies reference to back up comment Seminars are recorded and kept available in the archives throughout the course Option 2 Takes place of 1 hour seminar You will find the criteria list within the Unit under the Seminar Link Tougher grading criteria Submit papers by the end of the week (Tuesday: 11:59 PM)
Discussion Rubric in syllabus Post a initial response to the question Post 3 or more responses (Wednesdays-Tuesdays) Use References where appropriate with APA formatting Responses should contribute to the quality and advancement of the discussion All responses will be in complete sentences Initial responses should be about 100 words and responses to fellow classmates a minimum of 50 words Spell check! This is your time to share ideas and experiences. Make the most of your learning experience!
Late Work Policy Late work will not be accepted unless there are clear and compelling extenuating circumstances. If you have extenuating circumstances that prevent you from completing course assignments/exams you must contact your instructor immediately— prior to the assignment/exam/quiz due-date unless prevented from doing so by emergency circumstances. Examples of extenuating circumstances are serious personal and/or family illness/hospitalization, death in the family, weather-related evacuation/emergencies, work emergencies, and issues related to active military assignment. Personal computer/software/internet connectivity issues and course blocks are not considered extenuating circumstances. Granting of late-work submission due to extenuating circumstances is at the discretion of the instructor and will require documentation for verification of extenuating circumstances. If late work submission is granted, the instructor will establish new due-dates and requirements without loss of course points.
APA, Projects & Plagiarism APA referencing Reference any info that does not come out of your own head Kaplan resource library is excellent resource for electronic articles and research materials Projects Submit in Microsoft Word Plagiarism Found in the syllabus Found in the Kaplan University Catalog
Getting Started with the Textbooks Textbook Information Title:Kinn’s: The Administrative Medical Assistant, 6 th Edition – An Applied Learning Approach Author: Alexandra Patricia Young, BBA, RMA, CMA ISBN: Publisher: Elsevier Title:Professionalism in Health Care: A Primer for Career Success. 3 rd Edition Author: Sherry Makely Pearson ISBN: Publisher: Prentice Hall
Unit Quizzes Quizzes are only available during the Unit time period (Wednesday-Tuesday) Can only take once If exam is missed and closed contact me ASAP by
Unit Exercises and Final Project Unit Exercises Unit1: Unit 2: Unit 6: Unit7: Unit 8: Unit 9: Unit Projects and Final Project Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Completed Portfolio
APA Format All Unit Exercises and Projects will use APA format. Visit the Kaplan University Writing Center for information on: Title Page Body Reference Page Citations
Professional Behavior in the Workplace The Meaning of Professionalism in the Healthcare Setting Characteristics of Professionalism Loyalty Dependability Courtesy Initiative Flexibility Credibility Confidentiality Attitude
Professional Behavior in the Workplace Obstructions To Professionalism Personal Baggage The Grapevine Office Politics Procrastination
Interpersonal Skills and Human Behavior First Impressions Verbal Communication Non Verbal Communication Becoming the Good Listener Staying within your Scope of Practice Defense Mechanisms Conflict Self-Esteem and Comfort Zones
Questions? Any Questions?