English 9
What comes out of your mouth
This is the relative loudness of your voice. Focus on the noises in the room and make sure you can be heard above them all. Remember the vent in the back of the room – can we hear you in the back? But you don’t have to blast us either.
This is the speed of your delivery. Focus on how fast you speak normally and determine if you need to slow down or speed up for your speech. The rate should be easy for us to follow. We tend to speak faster when we are nervous and you may have to slow down.
What doesn’t come out of our mouths, but still communicates to your audience
This is the position of your body as you are speaking. Stand tall with both of your feet on the ground. Your weight should be even on both feet. This helps you breathe and project your voice (volume).
Your eyes should be on your audience as much as possible. This is how you connect with your audience and make sure they understand what you are saying. Look around the room and try to include everyone in your eye contact.
Public speaking can be scary, but the more you practice, the better you get. Focus on these key areas for this presentation and we will look at other delivery areas in the future.
Phil Davison - Running for Stark County Treasurer