Summer/Fall 2016
How to set up SWAN account “Drop/Add” and “Withdrawal” How to Register for classes How to get your Textbooks How to be a successful CSU student Campus policies & procedures MOWR application Transcripts Calendar of important dates …and much more
To activate your SWAN account: To activate your SWAN account: Start at and click on the “SWAN” iconStart at and click on the “SWAN” icon Click on “New Students” buttonClick on “New Students” button **Continue to follow prompts to enter your personal student information**
From your SWAN homepage, click on the “DUCK” icon to set up your PIN#From your SWAN homepage, click on the “DUCK” icon to set up your PIN# To activate your DUCK account If you have any issues with SWAN or DUCK please contact the
Make the LakerCard Center your first stop on campus! Your LakerCard is more than just your student ID card! It’s your library card. It’s an access card. It’s an on-campus debit card. Selfies gladly accepted (see photo guidelines for more details)! Upload your own ID card photo by visiting and clicking YOU MUST HAVE YOUR LAKERCARD TO PICK UP YOUR TEXTBOOKS. We are located on the 1 st floor of the University Center. You must present a valid government issued ID when picking up your card. Questions? Visit or call Manage your LakerCard online! You or your parents can deposit money to your LakerBucks account online. LakerBucks can be spent anywhere on campus, including vending machines! Visit and click
To obtain your Parking Pass: Parking Pass
There are various holds placed on MOWR students accounts that must be addressed BEFORE you can register for classes. You can check your DUCK record to see what holds you have. Many students miss out on their first class selection because they do not remove these holds in a timely manner. Removing Holds
Alcohol (EA) and Haven (EH) Hold This hold occurs during your first semester and must be completed BEFORE you can register. Log into your SWAN account. Click the DUCK icon. Click on the Main Menu Tab under Student Services then click on the Alcohol Edu and Haven Course link. After completing the test at the end of each course your hold will be removed (usually same business day)
Registration Agreement Hold (RA Hold) This must be completed EVERY semester From your DUCK account select the student services tab Click on the registration tab Select the semester you are attending Verify/edit student info and submit Read/agree to “legally binding agreement”
Orientation Hold You will complete the MOWR orientation only once. Please use as a reference point for FAQs. Bursar Hold At some point you may owe money for fees that are not covered by MOWR. Remember all tuition, fees and textbooks are covered by the MOWR program. Supplemental expenses are NOT.
Must See Advisor Hold The “Must See Advisor” hold remains on all MOWR student accounts. This hold prevents students from registering or changing their schedules.The “Must See Advisor” hold remains on all MOWR student accounts. This hold prevents students from registering or changing their schedules.
Course Registration Course registration is conducted every semester; MOWR students must register each semester they plan to be enrolled. You MUST meet with your CSU advisor for course advisement BEFORE you can be registered. Registration period begins November 1st for spring semester and April 1st for fall and summer. You must have all holds removed in order to register for courses. CSU course listings can be found at:
Drop/Add Drop/AddDrop/Add is a period of registration when students may change their class schedule. MOWR students may add/drop classes to/from their schedules by seeing their MOWR advisor during the drop/add period. Classes may not be added after drop/add has ended. Once the drop/add period closes, you must withdraw from a course if you are no longer attending. Please check the Academic Calendar posted on the Clayton State website for specific dates.
Drop/Add Dropping courses If you are not planning on attending classes, you must DROP or CANCEL your schedule before the END of drop/add. Students will be held financially responsible for all classes that are on their schedules at the end of the Drop/Add period. Dropping or changing your class schedule may affect high school schedule – please see your advisor to make any schedule changes. Drop/Add lasts anywhere from 2 to 4 days depending on the specific semester. Please check the academic calendar for specific dates. We regret we cannot process drop/add requests over the telephone or by .
Course Withdrawal MUSTStudents can withdraw courses prior to the published midterm date. This is a process that MUST be considered with your MOWR Advisor and high school counselor. Students who withdraw from a course before midterm will receive a W in the course. Students who withdraw after midterm will receive a WF in the course. For details on how to withdraw from courses and the impact it can have on your transcript, please go to the following site for very specific instructions:
Textbooks LOANS Morrow Textbooks are covered by the MOWR program. All MOWR textbooks are one semester LOANS and must be picked up and returned to the LOCH SHOP (Bookstore) in Morrow by the dates listed on the FAQ’s section of the LOCH SHOP website. STUDENTS STUDENTS are responsible for picking up and returning textbooks as outlined in their loan agreement. Please refer to LOCHSHOP.COM to answer all questions concerning the rental of textbooks. Please note: the MOWR program covers books only. Students are responsible for purchasing any other course related fee or supply, including access codes.
MOWR Application/Tuition Payment Part onePart one of the MOWR application must be completed by the students EVERY semester, in order for MOWR tuition to be processed and paid. CSU starts processing MOWR applications after the first week of classes. Students who do not complete this process will receive a invoice for their tuition. If the deadline is missed or if part one is incomplete or incorrect the STUDENT will be responsible for the tuition. *Please be sure you have the STUDENT’S correct social security number as an incorrect information can prolong the application process. Part twoPart two of the application is completed by the high school counselor Part threePart three of the application is completed by the college advisor Your Resource for all things MOWR MOWR Overview MOWR Application Procedures MOWR Funding Information MOWR Course Directory FAQ for Parents & Students
MOWR Application Deadlines The MOWR application consists of three parts: 1.Student & Parent/Guardian 2.High School/Home Study 3.Postsecondary Institution All three sections of the application must be completed and submitted to Georgia Student Finance Commission (GSFC) by the deadlines indicated in the chart. Semester/TermApplication Deadline FallOctober 1 st SpringMarch 1 st SummerMay 15 th
Transcripts At the end of each semester, official CSU transcripts will be forwarded to the high school that we have on record for each MOWR student. To have official transcripts sent to another high school or college/university, please follow the procedures listed at the Registrar’s website:
CSU-Academic Calendar The Academic Calendar serves as an information source and planning document for students. The calendar includes registration dates, class start dates, add/drop deadlines, exam dates and more. Please note that CSU does NOT follow the high school calendar and many off days at the high school are not the same as CSU. Check with your professor if you are not sure.
CSU-Move on When Ready Advisors Leslie Moore Director of Clayton State – Fayette Fayette MOWR Advisor (678) Fayette Campus Kathy Stevens (678) Morrow Campus Advisor Jelani Liddell Henry County Advisor Patricia Harris Jackson (678)
Helpful Websites Clayton State University (MOWR) GaCollege411 https :// The Hub –CSU Technical Support