Talent 21 Project 2011 By Jarom Dato
Introduction Humans now are impacting their environment. Humans started to impact their environment earlier than that since after glacier age. We humans have been impacting the world for over 2,000 years.
After Glacier Age Humans after the glacier age wiped out many animals When the Polynesians arrived at Hawaii the ½ of the native bird population died The early men killed off many extinct animals we know today such as the wooly mammoth and the sabered-tooth tiger.
Early Man The Early man hunted early animals and lowered the population. They made tools out of wood and used tools to hunt fish. The early man learned to make fire by striking flint together.
Early Farmers Early Farmers impacted the Earth because they started to farm which affected the Earth and used the seeds that came from the wild. Early farmers domesticated animals which caused o have livestock. People also started to settle where there was a lot of wild plants and animals.
Mesopotamia The Mesopotamians impacted the world because of the invention of the bronze tip plow because when you turn the soil it will need to find a new area in time. Mesopotamians made almanacs which contained techniques of how to farm. Mesopotamians also got tin and copper ore.
Egypt The Egyptians made giant stone pyramids which impacted the Earth’s resources. The Egyptians also made dikes and dams and also they used irrigation. Since they mummified bodies and put their belongings in there the pharaoh had a lot of gold in there with him.
Greece The Greeks impacted the world because they made the Trojan horse which used a lot of wood. They also built large marble buildings. The Greeks used their resources to build Parthenons and acropolisx
Rome Romans impacted their environment by using their resources and made big cities and towns. The romans also threw their trash out of their windows which is bad for the enviroment. Romans used furnishes which need coal.
Conclusion Throughout the ages humans impacted their enviroment through many ways such as building huge pyramids in Egypt or throwing trash out of the windows in Rome. As you can see we have affected the Earth even before electricity.