Rhyme and Meter
1. Rhyme Meaning The repetition of similar sounds The sounds are not always exactly the same The spelling does not have to be the same Example Thinking, linking Bake, cake Frog, hog High, sky Mean, fine
2. Exact Rhyme Meaning When the sounds that rhyme are exactly the same sounds. Example Hat, cat Free, bee Exactly the same sounds.
3. Approximate Rhyme / Half Rhyme Meaning When the words repeat some sounds, but are not exact echoes Example Mean, fine Rate, bet Life, die Beef, streets Sounds are similar, but not exact
4. End Rhymes Meaning When the rhymes come at the end of the lines Example Where in this book do you think I should look? Every day I look at the sky. I think of my life and ask myself why.
5. Internal Rhymes Meaning Rhymes that occur within a line of poetry Example I set my hat on the mat I was a fool who skipped school
6. Rhyme Scheme Meaning A regular pattern of rhyme Letters are used to represent like sounds Example ABAB = Riches I hold in light esteem, And Love I laugh to scorn; And lust of Fame was but a dream That vanished with the morn - A A BABA BABA
7. Meter Meaning The pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in poetry as expressed by syllabication. Syllabication is the use of stressed and unstressed markings.
8. Foot/Feet Meaning A “foot” is the combination of stressed and unstressed syllables that make up a recurrent metric unit of a line. Example
9. Scanning We “scan” a poem to determine its basic meter and to consider the relevance of that rhythm to the meaning of the poem. When we scan a poem, we begin by saying the poetic lines aloud, paying careful attention to the syllables which seem to be stressed (pronounced with more emphasis).
10. Iambs This pattern of ~ / (unstressed/stressed) is called an iamb. The following are examples of iambic feet.
Other Patterns Along with the iamb, there are other possible patterns: Pattern Noun Adjective ~ / iamb iambic ~ ~ / anapest anapestic / ~ trochee trochaic / ~ ~ dactyl dactylic / / spondee spondaic