What is Poetry???? »Meaning and emotion »Rhythm »Sound patterns »Figurative language »Sense imagery »Meaning and emotion »Rhythm »Sound patterns »Figurative language »Sense imagery
What is Poetry????? It is an expression of ideas and feelings through rhythm with beautiful and imaginative words.
In the beginning, poetry was shared orally by minstrels who traveled throughout the countryside. Many poems were sung to listeners.
Elements »Rhyme »Rhythm »Repetition »Line breaks »White Space »Rhyme »Rhythm »Repetition »Line breaks »White Space »Mood »Word Choice »Line »Stanza »Punctuation
Poetic Forms »Lyric »Narrative »Couplets »Tercets »Quatrains »Cinquains »Lyric »Narrative »Couplets »Tercets »Quatrains »Cinquains »Limericks »Ballads »Haiku »Free verse »Concrete
1.Lyric Poem- Any short poem that describes a moment, feeling, or scene. 2. Narrative Poem- Longer poem that tells a story.
3. Couplet (Couple) Two lines of a poem that rhyme.
4. Tercet Three lines of poetry that have some type of rhyming pattern.
5. Cinquain Prescribed free verse poem with five lines.
6. Limerick »Humorous »One stanza »Five-line verse »Lines 1,2,5 rhyme and the same length »Lines 3,4 rhyme and the same length, but shorter »Humorous »One stanza »Five-line verse »Lines 1,2,5 rhyme and the same length »Lines 3,4 rhyme and the same length, but shorter
There Was An Old Person Whose Habits There was an old person whose habits Induced him to feed upon rabbits; When he’d eaten eighteen, He turned perfectly green, Upon which he relinquished those habits. - Edward Lear
7. Ballad »Long »Narrative »Often sung »Often romantic or heroic »Long »Narrative »Often sung »Often romantic or heroic
8. Haiku »Lyric »Unrhymed »Seventeen syllables on three lines »Syllable count of five seven five »Nature »Lyric »Unrhymed »Seventeen syllables on three lines »Syllable count of five seven five »Nature
Small bird, forgive me I’ll hear the end of your song in some other world - anonymous
9. Free Verse »Unrhymed »Little or no rhythm »Abstract topics »Reflect on something »Unrhymed »Little or no rhythm »Abstract topics »Reflect on something
Last Day of School Look out! If you aren’t careful it will happen like this: Someone will say the word and that word will catapult you down the halls out the doors and into a serious collision with SUMMER!
10. Concrete Poem (Shape Poem) »Printed in a shape the signifies the subject »Must be seen when heard »No rhyme or rhythm »Printed in a shape the signifies the subject »Must be seen when heard »No rhyme or rhythm
Which type of poem do you prefer? Lyric or narrative Explain the difference.
Which type of poem do you prefer to read? Why? Humorous Animals Fun Experiences
Which poetic form do you prefer to use when writing poetry? Limericks Ballads Haiku Free verse Concrete
Quiz Time Hold up your pinch cards placing your finger on the letter for the correct answer.
Which type of poem is often humorous. A.Cinquain B.Limerick C.Stanza D.Fiction A.Cinquain B.Limerick C.Stanza D.Fiction
B. Limerick
What type of poem must be seen when heard? A.Lyric B.Couplet C.Concrete D.Free Verse A.Lyric B.Couplet C.Concrete D.Free Verse
C. Concrete
What is Free Verse? A.Unrhymed, little or no rhythm B.Three lines with a pattern or rhyme C.Two lines that rhyme D.Prescribed five line poem A.Unrhymed, little or no rhythm B.Three lines with a pattern or rhyme C.Two lines that rhyme D.Prescribed five line poem
A. unrhymed, little or no rhythm
How many lines are in a Haiku? A.18 B.100 C.5 D.3 A.18 B.100 C.5 D.3
Which is not an element of Poetry? A.Stanzas B.Rhythm C.Paragraphs D.Figurative language A.Stanzas B.Rhythm C.Paragraphs D.Figurative language
C. Paragraphs
Up next… »Figurative Language »Simile, metaphor, personification, alliteration »Figurative Language »Simile, metaphor, personification, alliteration