Wildlife of Antarctica By Jack Burnett
Penguin’s There are all different species of penguin this is all of them Emperor penguins, King Penguins, Adelie penguin, Chinstrap penguin, Gentoo penguin. Antarctica is well known for its penguins.
Seals The seals of Antarctica are Southern Elephant seal, Southern Fur seal and the Southern Fur seal Antarctic Seals live in a difficult and cold environment. In order to survive, they have adapted by evolving a thick layer of underfur covered by a layer of short rough fur on the top. Their underfur is waterproof and keeps them warm. These seals were once hunted for their fur. They are now protected and have made an incredible recovery.
Whales These are the types of whales in Antarctica Blue Whales, Southern right Whales, Sei whales, Humpback Whales, Minke Whales, Fin Whales