Welcome to Meet the Teacher Night 8 th Grade US History On Level
Materials Needed Please make sure that your child has all necessary materials and that they bring them to class everyday! The list of supplies is found on my web site.
Grading Policy Grading Policies: 8 th Grade: Tests/Projects 40% Quizzes 35% Daily Work 25%
Late Work Policy 8 th Grade US History: 1-3 days late= max of a 70%
Redo Work Policy 8 th Grade On-Level US History: Student has up to 5 school days from the grade being entered into Skyward to redo the assignment for a maximum grade of a 70.
Tutoring Tutoring Times: Mon-Fri Mornings - Students do not need a pass; they just sign in at the front desk Afternoons by appointment
Checking Grades and Assignments 1.Skyward- Great way to see what grades your student is receiving. 2.Remind101- Check with teacher for details 3. Teacher Website
How to contact teachers The best way to contact a teacher is by their school .