English 100(11) Seminar Presentation Fall 2014/J. Smith
Outline Prepare a presentation on a reading from our text, Successful College Writing. I will assign you a partner, a date to do your presentation, and a reading from the text. The idea is for you and your partner to introduce the reading, to draw attention to main ideas, organization, style, and writer’s purpose.
Make it Interesting Make your presentation as interesting as you can. Keep your audience in mind. Get your audience involved
A Typical Presentation Draw the attention of the audience to the topic of the reading. Begin with some questions or other opening. Go over the reading – this is important. Draw passages and paragraphs from the reading. Help the audience understand. Aim for interaction and discussion (seminar idea). Conclude with some questions, a summary, a quiz? You can use visuals, power point, short videos, etc. About 30 to 40 minutes.
See me I would like to see you and your partner a day or two before your presentation. We can go over what you plan to do. I can make suggestions You can ask me questions about the reading etc.
Note to the Audience The audience has an important role, to pay attention, to ask questions and to participate actively. Make sure to read the readings before you come to class. Be prepared to ask the presenters some questions. Be prepared to participate. Note: For the Final Exam I will choose one of the readings from our presentations. It’s up to you to keep up and get the readings done.