Back to School Night Kindergarten
Daily Schedule Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 8:10-1:15 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday: 8:10-1:50 p.m.
Arrival and Dismissal Please use the kindergarten gate on Kenter Ave. to drop off your child. Mr. Michael, Mr. Eric, Ms. Amanda, and Ms. Rania will greet each child at the gate. If you are late, please go to the office with your child and obtain a tardy slip. We only release children to their guardian or those authorized on the emergency card. – If someone else is taking your child home, please send a note. If you need to pick up your child early, you must fill out a blue slip in the office.
Absences If your child is absent, a note is required upon his/her return to the classroom with an explanation. Vacations are not excused absences. Please plan accordingly.
Snack/Lunch Please send a snack and a lunch with your child daily. If your child is purchasing a school lunch, we encourage you to deposit money into your child’s food account in the cafeteria. Children may not share food due to allergies. Please adhere to the school’s sugar policy.
Birthdays Please adhere to the Birthday Policy on the Kenter Canyon Website.
Volunteers Volunteers are welcome and greatly appreciated in the classroom. – Please remember to register with the office and submit your TB test results. – It is important to sign up, so we can plan accordingly. – You must go to the office to obtain a volunteer badge before you enter the classroom.
Homework Homework is handed out on Friday and is due the following Friday. Homework consists of four pages designed to review and reinforce concepts previously taught in the classroom. Students are to complete one page per night, following the homework schedule on the weekly newsletter. All homework must be completed in pencil, with the exception of coloring.
Report Cards and Conferences The first progress report is distributed in November. Grading Scale: 4 = advanced 3 = proficient 2 = partially proficient 1 = not proficient If your child is partially proficient, a five week notice will be sent home.
Sharing Each child has a specific share day. Schedules will be posted and distributed. If you have any questions, please let us know. For the first half of the year, the mystery bag object should begin with the letter of the week. Our Kindergarten Newsletter, which is attached to the homework you receive in the Friday Folders, will let you know what the letter of the week will be. Please conceal an object in a bag and help your child come up with three clues about it. Classmates will have an opportunity to guess what it is..
Emergency Kits You may purchase an emergency kit or create your own. Please see the Kenter Canyon website ( for a list of items to include in your kit. All students must have an emergency kit in the classroom, which will be returned on the last day of school.
Lost and Found Please check the Lost and Found, which is located in front of the cafeteria area.
Kindergarten Website Our kindergarten website will be updated weekly with pertinent information. You can visit the website by going to and clicking on the kindergarten (off-site) link.