Earth’s Atmosphere
Warm Up 1.Is air a gas, liquid or solid? How do you know? 2.What does air do when it gets warmer? Colder? 3.Why does hot air rise and cold air sink?
Think About it…. You have lived in air all your life. Write 5 facts about air that you already know
Balloon of Air Observations: stretchy balloon, has a little bit of air in it Data: Mass of balloon empty ______ g Mass of balloon with air _______g Inference: Air is matter. It has mass and volume.
Cardboard Bottom Observations: Empty clear cup filled with water, covered with cardboard and inverted Data: water remained in the cup Inference: Air exerts pressure in all directions, even up
Spool in Cup Observations: Beaker with water and a cork on surface, cup inverted and lowered into water Data: level of water in cup lower than beaker Inference: air takes up space and cannot occupy the same space as other matter
2 Liter Bottom Observations: Warm water poured into a two- liter bottle and bottle closed and set in ice Data: bottle began to collapse Inference: Air pressure was lower inside the bottle than outside
Air Notes 1.Air is composed of gases that are invisible. 2.Air exerts pressure (pushes) in all directions. 3.Air has mass. 4.Air takes up space. (Other matter cannot share the same space) 5.Warm air expands, cool air contracts.
Candle Demo Warm Up 1.What happened in the candle demonstration? 2.What did this demonstration tell you about air? 3.What made the water move up into the flask?
Warm Up 1.Define atmosphere. 2.What does the word altitude mean?
Gases in Our Atmosphere Nitrogen - 78% - inert (not active) gas, dilutes the amount of oxygen Oxygen - 21% - produced by plants, used in breathing, very active in rusting and burning reactions Argon % - inert gas, made from volcanic eruptions
Gases in Our Atmosphere, cont… Carbon Dioxide % - used in photosynthesis, created in breathing, greenhouse gas Water Vapor - varies between % - clouds, precipitation, greenhouse gas Methane - trace amounts - greenhouse gas, produced in decay
One more… Ozone - trace amounts, absorbs ultraviolet light, mostly found in the ozone layer
The Greenhouse Effect Group 1 Turn to page 456 and read about the greenhouse effect. 1.Explain what the greenhouse effect is. 2.Explain whether it is a good or bad thing. Group 2 Read the “Greenhouse Effect” article. 1.List some gases that are considered “greenhouse” gases. 2.What would the Earth be like without the Greenhouse Effect? 3.What is the “enhanced greenhouse effect?”
Warm Up Name the layer of the atmosphere… 1.That we live in. 2.Which contains the ozone layer. 3.Which is the least dense. 4.Which has the highest pressure. 5.Which is the coldest.
Warm Up 1.What is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere? 2.As altitude increases, what happens to air pressure? Why? 3.Name two greenhouse gases.
Get Ready…. 1.Copy your homework. 2.Take out a piece of looseleaf paper and a pencil. 3.Clear everything else off of your desk. 4.Put your 6th grade heading on the paper. 5.Title the paper “Practice Quiz."
Practice Quiz 1.As altitude increases, ____________ decreases. 2.The Earth’s atmosphere is held around the Earth by ____________. 3.Which gas protects us from harmful ultraviolet radiation? 4.In which layer does weather occur? 5.Which layer has the coldest temperatures? 6.Which layer is the least dense?
Practice Quiz, cont… 7.If there is a fire on a lab station, you should use the ________ _________. 8.If you have a chemical splash in your eyes, you should rinse for ____ minutes. 9.Name the greenhouse gas that forms clouds. 10.Name the most plentiful gas in the atmosphere.