Featuring Charlie Chaplin* *and his famous little mustache.
That’s Charlie. Hi, Charlie!
You like to read, don’t you Charlie?
Stop kidding around, Charlie! You know you like reading.
That’s better.
Our school is doing a reading challenge, Charlie.
You will need a tracking sheet.
That’s what it looks like.
Don’t worry. It’s simple. Now, pay attention.
Thank you.
Okay, we get it. You’re listening. Here’s what you need to do: Set a weekly reading goal in class.
Read at school AND home daily.
That’s right, Charlie!
Every day that you finish a book, color in the box for that day…
… and write in the number of books you finished.
Oh, don’t worry, Charlie! There might be days that you can’t finish a book…
…so put an “X” on the line for those days.
While a third, fourth, or fifth grader might have a lot of “X”s, younger students should have very few or none. Keep in mind:
Okay, Charlie, we get it. We’re almost to the good part!
At the end of each school week, send your CLASS TOTAL to the library.
We’ll track the entire school’s progress on a thermometer in the hallway!
Read 5,000 books as a SCHOOL…
…and all the teachers will have to wear a mustache for a day!
That is funny, Charlie.
The challenge ends Friday Nov. 27 th. Give your final count to the library.
Better keep reading, Charlie.
Now… we really “mustache” YOU to READ!