WINDOWS AZURE STORE Björn Eriksen, Technical
Windows Azure Store the what? a place where Windows Azure users can buy third-party services
Windows Azure Store the why? complement and extend the Windows Azure Experience
Windows Azure Store the how? this is where we will spend the rest of the session!
Windows Azure Store what’s for sale?
Windows Azure Store what’s for sale?
PM> Install-Package NewRelicWindowsAzure Successfully installed 'NewRelicWindowsAzure '. Successfully added 'NewRelicWindowsAzure ' to LeWeb. ***Updating project items newrelic.cmd and NewRelicAgent_x64_ msi*** ***Updating the Windows Azure ServiceDefinition.csdef with the newrelic.cmd Startup task*** ***Updating the projects.config file with the NewRelic.AppName*** ***Package install is complete***
3rd-party service 1. Discover. 2. Purchase. (Provision request) 3. Connection info. 4. Consume. 5. Single sign-on.
Windows Azure Store partner benefits
Windows Azure Store customer terms and conditions
Windows Azure Store customer terms and conditions
Windows Azure Store seller terms and conditions
Windows Azure Store temporary limitations