Eighth Italian Conference of Environmental Agencies Genoa, July 5-7, 2004.


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Presentation transcript:

Eighth Italian Conference of Environmental Agencies Genoa, July 5-7, 2004

Index 1.Introduction 2. Subsession C1 – Information and Reporting 3. Subsession C2 – Educating for Sustainability 4. Subsession C3 – Environmental Communication and Civic Involvement 5. Session F – Tools of Cooperation for the Dissemination of Environmental Awareness

1. Introduction (1) The “Eight Italian Conference of Environmental Agencies” was organized by APAT and the Agency for the Environmental Protection of Liguria, on the issue of spreading environmental culture. The conference was structured in 7 sessions regarding different environmental issues: A)“Environmental Regulations and Planning tools” mainly focused on: new regulations, control networking, additional planning and prevention tools. B)“Integration and Comparison” mainly focused on: health and the environment, business and the environment, law and environment. C)“Dissemination of the Environmental Culture” mainly focused on: information and reporting, education for sustainability, environmental communication and civic involvement.

D)“Institutional Strengthening and growth of the Agencies” mainly focused on: organization and management, strategies. E)“Institutional Strengthening and Environmental Regulations” F)“Tools of Cooperation for the Dissemination of Environmental Awareness G)”Environment Certification as an Aspect of Competitiveness and Culture” The Service for the Promotion of Environmental Capacity Building of APAT has organised the sessions C (subdivided into C1, C2 and C3) and F. 1. Introduction (2)

2. Subsession C1 – Information and Reporting (1) During this subsession were discussed differents aspects of the environmental reporting regarding the necessity to provide environmental scientific data available for technicians, researchers, institutions and citizens. In this perspective, APAT performs a role of interface at national level for the environmental data flow (particularly for priority data about water, air quality, land) among the regional level and the European Agency for the Environment (EEA). This means that to represent environmental phenomena (e.g. climate change or air pollution) are to be used “environmental indicators” which can simplify the communication process and give to public Authorities and citizens a clear and rational comprehension of the environmental problems. This has brought substantial efforts by the whole Agency System to give available these environmental data and information by publication of “Environmental yearbooks” for technicians and experts and “Environmental Reports” addressed to public opinion.

During the final round table whose participated different stakeholders from decision making, private firms and public research, the necessity for the institutions and public administrations to communicate the actions and results obtained has been highlighted, in order to provide information to citizens, who can realize and understand the initiatives carried out. In fact in the last years, environment has been managed and broadcasted in negative and catastrophic terms by the media. In order to change this trend it is necessary to communicate in positive terms the various environmental topics to inform on the basis of scientific data, to involve people and to promote the dialogue among institutions and citizens. It was also underlined that the first place for environmental dissemination should be the school because environmental education is fundamental to create culture and “environmental awareness” among the youth and, therefore, in the citizenship of “tomorrow”. 2. Subsession C1 – Information and Reporting (2)

3. Subsession C2 – Educating for Sustainability (1) In this subsessions was presented the strategy and the operative instruments which characterize the environmental agencies’ system in the field of the education for environmental sustainability. These activities are represented by the Working Group on Communication, Information, Capacity Building and Environmental Education, named C.I.F.E., which is coordinated by APAT. the role of the Agencies’ system in the Italian national and international scenario of environmental education, by means of actions and activities based on the ‘Charter of Padua’ In this context 2 aspects were particularly highlighted: Besides were also presented some projects and methodological aspects of the work of the Agencies in the field of environmental education for sustainability the importance of addressing the educational activities not only to children but also to adults who are responsible for today’s environment

At the end of the subsession, a roundtable with journalists and environmental communicators, representatives of institutions and national associations engaged in environmental education activities closed the works with a discussion on the future strategic development of education to the environmental sustainability in Italy, trying to answer to the question: In fact, a scientific culture based on the environmental themes is perceived as part of the basic needs of the individuals and of the social and local communities. These needs depend on the relationships with the environment, on the aesthetical and land aspects, on the health and economic elements, seen as opportunities also for the environment. “How to create and spread environmental culture among the citizens?” 3. Subsession C2 – Educating for Sustainability (2)

4. Subsession C3 – Environmental Communication and Civic Involvement (1) The subsession was focused on the aspects of communication and environmental information and their fundamental role to promote the process of involvement and participation of the citizens. During the debate were exposed the results of some researches and surveys performed by APAT and some Regional Agencies regarding these themes. A common element is that there is still a lot of space and margin for the dissemination of information about these new and reliable realities of the Agencies of the Italian System. Another aspect is the perception felt by interviews that the Agencies work only for environmental emergency situations and that there is a necessity to have more environmental information, particularly regarding the environmental regulations and rules. Some results of the survey carried out by APAT are presented in the following graphics.

Interest of citizens for environmental issues

Level of interest and issues

The issues related to air results to be the most followed problems. Most felt environmental issue

Most urgent problems For about half of the interviewed air pollution is the most urgent issue in Italy.

From the survey results, the most favourite environmental television programmes are naturalistic documentaries and specials on main environmental issues. Most favourite programmes

The main source of environmental information for the interviewed is the newspaper. Environmental Information Sources

4. Subsession C3 – Environmental Communication and Civic Involvement (2) The final round-table pointed out the difficulties by institutions to communicate environmental issues and the distrust of the citizens regarding them, fed by mass-media during past years. For these reasons more cooperation is needed among institutions and mass-media to communicate clear information about environmental issues to the citizens, based on effective communicative strategies which represent one of the fundamental tools for the Institutions and Local Authorities to provide environmental information based on scientific and technical data. Regarding the role of the information operators, often journalists meet difficulties to guarantee adequate information due to their environmental knowledge and the reserve by the institutions and public authorities to give complete information to the mass-media.

5. Session F – Tools of Cooperation for the Dissemination of Environmental Awareness (1) In this session was pointed out how the international cooperation between institutions represents an important moment for the spread of environmental culture in a different context and reality, in which the Italian Agency System can play an important role in the link among European, Mediterranean, Balkan, and International cultures. At the moment APAT is cooperating for the carrying out of environmental projects and the dissemination of environmental culture in various Countries, such as: A strong cooperation with Bosnia-Herzegovina for the definition of a framework law for the environmental protection and the constitutions of the National Agency A series of initiatives in collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment of Algeria in the field of environmental training, education and awareness The project to support the Egyptian Agency for Environmental Protection to develop a national environmental yearbook

5. Session F – Tools of Cooperation for the Dissemination of Environmental Awareness (2) In this scenario of increasead international cooperation about environmental topics, the recent European enlargement to East Countries and the future entrance of some other Countries, allows for new challenges in the environmental field. In this perspective, the increase of environmental awareness represents a good tool for the dissemination of environmental culture as emphasized by European Commission DG Environment. Nevertheless a survey carried out by E.U. showed that 60% of Europeans don’t think they have enough information about environmental issues; 75% think that decision-makers don’t care about the environment when making decisions. This research shows a communication problem for institutions regarding its role to inform citizens;the EU DG Environment has foreseen events and environmental education tools (for example toolkits) to explain environmental topics and to spread an environmental culture among people, particularly for the youth.