SETTING YOUR GOALS 8 Steps for Goal Setting
1.Spiritual Goals: What are your plans for personal prayer and bible study? Merely wishing it, will not make it happen. Matt 6:33 2.Health and Fitness Goals: Honour God with your body. Exercise is about not terminating your life before God intended. 3 John 1: 2 3.Wealth Goals: It is God’s plan for you to prosper. Strategically sowing and saving are part of this. What are your plans for being debt free? 2 Cor 9: 8
4.Career Goals: What are your plans for starting a business? Promotion does not just happen, plan for it. Prov 22: 29 5.Relationship Goals: Good marriages and raising good children do not just happen. Matt 22:34 6.Personal Development: What are your goals to add more value to yourself? 1 Peter 4:10
7.Recreational Goals: These help you add diversity and new dimensions to your life. 8.Ministry Goals: If you do not have plans to serve God, then you do not understand God. Eph 4:11 – 12, Heb 6: 10
10 Guidelines For Achieving Your Goals