Caribbean Accreditation Council for Engineering and Technology
2 Why are we here? This is the second meeting of the CACET Board of Directors – November 2009 – Meeting convened by IEEE and at IEEE’s expense The purposes of the meeting are: – Review and approve governing documents of CACET – Identify needs for new documents and assign writing responsibilities – Identify needs for appointments, and make them
3 Logistics of BoD meeting 26 November meeting – An all day meeting (8:30AM to 5PM) – Breaks for lunch and mid-session pauses – Dinner (6PM) 27 November meeting – Half a day meeting (8:30AM to noon) BoD Meeting is followed by a training session for CACET program evaluators
4 Procedural Matters CACET’s BoD has 12 members which we will identify by name during the Roll Call We will work in general according to Roberts Rule of Order but will relax them as needed during the meeting The chair has appointed a temporary secretary (without vote): Mr. Pramod Abichandani
Roll Call The Secretary will conduct the Roll Call
6 Why are we here (continued)? In order to conduct CACET business, the Board will have to convene several times a year – At least once face to face – At least once by teleconference In order to make CACET operational, it needs – Charter and Operation Manual* – Accreditation Manual* – Finance Manual – Program evaluators and team chairs – Programs that seek CACET accreditation – A good website
7 At the end of the BoD meeting we expect… Charter and Operation Manual approved Accreditation Manual approved Decision of writers and timetable for the Finance Manual Completion of the first step in preparing program evaluators and team chairs – The second step will be completed by attendees online within a month Preparations for a Call for Programs that seek CACET accreditation Plan for expanding the CACET webpage on IEEE EA site
8 Proposed Agenda: Day 1 AM Call for order (CS) V Appoint secretary pro tem (CS) V Roll Call (PA) V Introduction – why are we here (CS) V Present the agenda ask for approval (CS) V First reading Charter and Operation Manual (MK) First reading Accreditation Manual (MK)
9 Proposed Agenda: Day 1 PM Identify yet unwritten documents and discuss writing assignments (PA) Identify office holders we need to elect (PA) Finances (CS) Legal status (CS) Role of external program evaluators (CS) What is requested of IEEE in 2010 and 2011? (CS+MK) Estimate of activity in 2010 – Are we going to accredit? How many programs? Where? (CS) CACET website (PA) Reimbursement for meeting-related expenses
10 Proposed Agenda Day 2 AM Election of office holders (CS; executive session) Writing assignments (CS) Second reading and approval of COM (MK+CS) Second reading and approval of Accreditation Manual (MK+CS) Next meeting (CS)
Is there a motion to approve the agenda?
First Reading of the Charter and Operation Manual
First Reading of the Accreditation Manual
Identify yet-unwritten documents and discuss writing assignments
15 New Documents Finance Manual Form for requesting accreditation by CACET Form for Self Evaluation Document Election/appointment/voting procedures to CACET positions (7.8) – Including petitions, nominations from the floor etc. Program Criteria – May not be needed
Identify office holders we need to elect
17 CACET’s organizational Chart CACET President Board of Directors: Regular Members (incl. President, Vice president, Accreditation Activities), President Elect, Treasurer, Secretary Accreditation Councils Program Evaluation Teams Standing Committees: Finance, N&A, Accreditation Ad Hoc Committees CACET Staff Vice President, Accreditation Activities Operating Committee Accreditation Committee
18 Office Holders: BoD ALLOWED BEYOND 12 MEMBERS Chair: Chandrabhan Sharma Chair (President-elect) Treasurer and Secretary (one or two positions) – Treasurer chairs the Finance Committee ALLOWED WITHIN 12 MEMBER ALLOWANCE Vice President, Accreditation Activities – A sitting member of the BoD Need to ascertain that current membership satisfies the COM (6.4.3)
19 Office Holders: Committees Nominations and Appointments Committee – At least five (maximum seven) – None of them should be a candidate for a position for which N&A recommends candidates or Board member – First task is to write job descriptions and define minimum qualifications for positions not describes already in the COM
20 Office Holders: Committees Members of the Accreditation Committee – Currently these are also members of the Engineering Accreditation Council – Recommended that a member from each principal discipline accredited by CACET be included – Recommended that most (if not all) members will also prospective team chairs – No overlap with BoD
21 Office Holders: Committees Finance Committee – At least four (no more than two from the Board) – Need financial background Ombudsman – An impartial outsider – Deals with complaints (mostly against CACET)
22 Proposed Procedure for 27 November Election Participants in today’s meeting fill in a form between today and tomorrow – Proposed candidates for positions Form indicates all vacant positions with short descriptors – More information is available in the COM If practicable, get consent of candidate to serve if elected – Otherwise we will have first choice and ranked alternates
23 Proposed Procedure for 27 November Election Executive session – Candidates leave the room if they are sitting BoD members Secretary will prepare and present candidate names Secret Ballot on each position – Approval voting – A single candidate needs a majority of votes cast in order to be elected – Multiple candidate slates (= n candidates) require that at least one exceeds 1/n of the votes cast – Candidates are ranked and alternates are declared – A person who was elected to a certain position cannot continue to be an alternate to another position
Report and Discussion 1.CACET’s legal status 2.CACET’s present and future finances
Report and Discussion Role of external program evaluators
Discussion What is requested of IEEE in 2010 and 2011?
Discussion Estimate of activity in 2010 – Are we going to accredit? How many programs? Where?
Report and Discussion CACET Website
29 CACET website Currently CACET has a webpage of the IEEE Trinidad and Tobago Section We need a mirror site on The 2007 San Juan Declaration is here: ortals/education/apc/cgaa/CACET_Declaration.pdf ortals/education/apc/cgaa/CACET_Declaration.pdf Need a single website (with possible mirrors)
31 Content of CACET Website General description (as we have now) The 2007 San Juan Declaration COM Accreditation Manual Finance Manual Names and affiliations of all Directors and Committee Members Contact address (with anti-robot features) Pictures from past CACET events
32 Plan We will work with EAD to create the website on EAB and T&T Section websites Estimated time to the next version: 30 days
33 Expense reimbursement Billed to the IEEE Master Account: – Airfare booked through World Travel – Sleeping rooms Retain any receipts for approved travel-related expenses you incur during approved travel dates to and from the meetings – ground transportation, mileage for personal auto usage, meals to and from meetings, gratuities, etc. submit with your expense report for reimbursement Receipts are required for amounts over $25 USD Please inform us of the date that was used for the currency conversion and type of currency “2009 CACET Expense Report” was sent to all participants
34 Detailed Instructions were sent on… Wire Transfers Reimbursed and non-reimbursed expenses Questions or comments – address for expense reports: Laurie Policastro IEEE Educational Activities 445 Hoes Lane Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA Fax: