The Masque Ball. Lady’s Side Gentleman’s side Glue one stick to the back of the mask, either for a Boy or for a Girl. Design and colour your own Mask. Cut the nose to flap.
Dances Pavane: A stately Royal court dance made up of "Single" and "Double" steps in different directions. It can be done with couples (Lady from Henry VIII time, on man's right) facing forwards to the top of the room ("to the presence of the King") or with couples moving anti-clockwise around the room. Brought by Catherine of Aragon from Spain in 1501 Galliard: An energetic dance with leaps, often done after a pavane as a contrast. Skipping with an outward step. Forward two back two. Arms outstretched. Branle: Originally from the French Courts, the dances were adopted by the lower classes. Danced in circles or broken circles i.e. horseshoe shape as in "The Horses Branle". Simple Branle two right one left. Washerwoman’s Branle, two right, one left, turn to each other and shake finger at each other to left then to right. Clap. Repeat.