1 Holger Reinisch Department of Business, Economic and Vocational Education Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany INTERNATIONAL AND INTERCULTURAL COMPETENCIES IN VOCATIONAL CONTEXTS: WHAT IS IT AND HOW TO TEACH AND LEARN IT? LECTURE AT THE RESPECT FÜR PROFESSIONAL VALUES AND PRACTICES - CONFERENCE, BUDAPEST, JUNE 2003 RESPECT for Professional Values and Practices - Conference; Budapest June 2003
2 DISPOSITION: 1. INTRODUCTION 2. BACKGROUND INFORMATIONS - Reasons for our research - The German system of initial and further vocational education and training - Department of Business, Economic and Vocational Education at the FSU Jena 3. SELECTED RESULTS OF RESEARCH FROM A PEDAGOGICAL POINT OF VIEW - Main domains of „international competencies“ in a vocational context - Changing curricular conditions and teaching methods 4. DISCUSSION H. Reinisch: International and Intercultural Competencies in vocational contexts : What is it and how to teach and learn it? RESPECT for Professional Values and Practices: Conference; Budapest June 2003
3 Dimensions of International Vocational Competences H. Reinisch: International and Intercultural Competencies in vocational contexts : What is it and how to teach and learn it? RESPECT for Professional Values and Practices: Conference; Budapest June 2003 FOREIGN LANGUAGE COMPETENCE increasing internationalisation of life and work growing transborder mobility Capability to communicate in at least one foreign language INTERCULTURAL COMPETENCE increase of world-wide migration processes and the impact on national cultures and identities associated with it increased difficulties in handling individual and social relations. Capability to thoughtfully communication when meeting members of foreign cultures - with comprehension, acceptance and tolerance for the foreign culture and person INTERNATIONAL COMPETENCE increasing globalisation of the economy more knowledge of foreign regulations that deviate from German standards is required in business actions. increase of such elements in the corresponding educational careers NETWORK COMPETENCE Information and communication technology considerable chances for individuals and enterprises to participate in world-wide communication and information networks The qualifications for knowledge-based, metho- dical handling of the relevant media and its ade- quate use in the transborder communication has to be central element in all kinds of educational careers
4 INSTRUCTIONAL ENVIRONMENTS FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING INTERNATIONAL VOCATIONAL COMPETENCIES H. Reinisch: International and Intercultural Competencies in vocational contexts : What is it and how to teach and learn it? RESPECT for Professional Values and Practices: Conference; Budapest June 2003