Making Models A New Exhibition at the Museum of Science, Boston
Educational Goals Provide visitors with practice in four science thinking skills associated with models: n Recognizing n Assessing n Using n Creating
Recognizing models Presenting visitors with a variety of objects, some that they recognized as models, and others that they didn’t, seemed to expand what they recognized as a model.
Assessing models Mystery games where visitors had to guess what a model represents helped them to assess what a model did and didn’t tell them about the real thing.
Using models In a few cases, creating role-play scenarios helped visitors to begin “using” models and thinking of other ways the model might be useful.
Creating models The type of material we provided visitors predetermined the type and range of models visitors would create. Beaded chains and pipecleaners led visitors to create a wide range of models that were simple yet effective.
Creating mental models Mystery games engaged visitors in process of creating a mental model of something they could not directly see.
For more information…. Christine Reich (617)