Screening and Brief Intervention in Custody in Plymouth  Moving Forward………… Mike Jarman – DAAT Alcohol Commissioner Andy Maguire- Alcohol Service Manager.


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Presentation transcript:

Screening and Brief Intervention in Custody in Plymouth  Moving Forward………… Mike Jarman – DAAT Alcohol Commissioner Andy Maguire- Alcohol Service Manager


SBI from March 07- March 08 Pilot Study Carried out by findings Published July 2008 A Barton, G Squires Pilot Study Carried out by University of Plymouth, findings Published July 2008 A Barton, G Squires

Headline Findings   3900 Contacts made (AUDIT completed).   Over 50% of contacts with year olds   Gender ; 85% Male 15% Female   52 of 3900 ‘accessed the main service’ (no definition of ‘accessed’ provided).   No Re-Offending data shared

Funding Ends For Pilot March 2009  Harbour brings the SBI ‘in house’ as part of alcohol service  It is reduced to weekends only (Pilot had shown this was optimum contact time)  Weekday contacts carried out by Custody Drug Workers

Who is now seen?   any arrestee over 17 years where, - offence motivated in some way by alcohol OR - offender intoxicated at time of arrest OR offender asks to see alcohol worker OR offender referred by medical provision.

Figures from Jan 09-Nov 09  1315 seen so far  Over 50% Year Olds  86% Male 14% Female  23 attended Main Agency for Assessment  13 Opened a Care Plan No Data regarding re-offending, whether locally or regionally is currently shared.

Issues  The only outcome measure available currently is whether or not person comes into more structured treatment (98% do not).  No capacity currently to run follow up programmes to measure efficacy in consumption reduction, or to cross check data between health and police to evidence crime reduction.

How do you measure success?   Objectives should be broader than ‘getting into treatment’ i.e. a reduction in alcohol related re-offending, but also…   More holistic approach should perhaps include substance misuse, access to other services such as health checks, training and educational needs, and addressing issues around accommodation and family substance misuse.

What is Needed in Plymouth?   A joined-up approach is required. We need to agree data sharing with Police and other partners to track people through systems, and measure the efficacy of interventions and services.   Clear pathway needs to be defined for alcohol linked offenders with data managed within HALO, our electronic case management software.   Pathway would include SBI, ATRs, alcohol interventions & treatment delivered by probation service, through to resettlement of offenders.

What Are We Doing?  Currently have drawn together a 15 strong project group from Commissioning, Public Health, Criminal Justice, and Treatment Delivery strata to review and redesign the Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy for Plymouth.  Our first meeting has identified a priority need for the sharing and harvesting of data that more clearly informs Public Health Needs Assessment, supports the development of services aligned to the Safer Communities and Safeguarding agendas, and measures the community response to these services.

What Are We Doing?  It is envisioned that the review of the Harm Reduction Strategy will lead to the implementation of a whole system for alcohol intervention that can encompass Health, Community Safety, and Safeguarding objectives, with high quality shared data as one of its’ foundations.

How Will It Be Done?

Questions? Questions?