Topic: Roman Technology EQ: Analyze the effect of Roman innovations
When you are done, take a picture of your annotated and summarized notes and them to me!
Romans invented many weapons for war, such as the helmets, shields, gladius, and pilum.
Rome was made famous for it’s big system of roads, which helped with travel, trade, and moving their armies.
Roads m?guidAssetId=798eaea1-0a85-4bd2-bb ac17fbcf1 m?guidAssetId=798eaea1-0a85-4bd2-bb ac17fbcf1
Romans built a sewer system of toilets and public baths to keep the city cleaner. This allowed the city to grow bigger and faster than any city in the past.
Why? The city could grow bigger because an extensive sewage system prevents diseases
Aqueducts were a part of the Sewage system. They supplied and carried water to the fountains and bathhouses
Aqueducts m?guidAssetId=798eaea1-0a85-4bd2-bb ac17fbcf1 m?guidAssetId=798eaea1-0a85-4bd2-bb ac17fbcf1
Think about it!- in your notes section, answer the following 1.Which Roman inventions do we still use today? How have they changed over time? 2.Which Roman invention helps you the most in your life? How does it help you? 3.Which Roman invention helps you the least in your life? 4.What do Roman inventions tell us about Roman values and culture?
Exit Ticket TechnologyPurpose 1. Aqueduct a. Helped to keep the city clean 2. Sewer Systemb. Helped transport goods and armies from place to place 3. Pilums, Shields, and Gladius c. Helped to transport water to the sewer systems 4. Roadsd. Helped Romans win in wars
1.According to the famous Myth, who was the first King of Rome? 2.What features were common in Roman architecture? 3.What were public baths used for? 4.Were the Romans monotheistic or polytheistic? Who was the main God?
What river was Rome located on? What country is Rome located in? What continent is Rome located on? What sea is Rome located on? How did the seas and river in Rome affect them? How did the mountains and hills affect Ancient Rome?
Pictionary Partners Partner 1 will look at their notes, and pick one type of Roman technology they would like to draw and have their partner guess. On a blank sheet of paper, partner 1 will draw this Roman technology Partner 2 will try to guess, as quickly as possible, which technology it is. IN ORDER FOR PARTNER 2 TO BE CORRECT, THEY MUST ALSO DESCRIBE WHAT THIS TECHNOLOGY WAS USED FOR. Once Partner 2 has correctly guessed, Partner 2 will have the opportunity to draw and have Partner 1 Guess.