1 ß γ: m ιснεℓℓε G υαмαи
2..: яεℓι g ιои ::.. ĉ εноvαн’ ѕ Ė ι τ и εssεs They don’t celebrate parties Birthdays Christmas They don’t believe in hell They believe that only 144,000 people will go to heaven
→ G εямαи y← About 35,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses lived in Germany They refused to join Hitler’s group. Hitler took them out of their houses, jobs and schools.
c oυℓd hαvε εscαpεd Jehovah’s witnesses had a chance to escape the torture they took If they would had listen to Hitler they wouldn’t had to suffer
..:T нε s ταяτ :.. On July 27, 1933, the start on destroying JW starts The Nazi street police closed the Watchtower Society. Gestapo ordered that the state-police search Witness groups and organizations.
April 1, 1935 Jehovah witnesses were banned In 1936 some 400 Jehovah's Witnesses were captured 1939, an estimated 6,000 Witnesses were in prisons and camps. About 10,000 Witnesses imprisoned during the holocaust
d ε ατн They died from: – disease –hunger –exhaustion –brutal treatment –and exposure to the cold An estimated 2,500 to 5,000 died.
S омε s u я v ι v оя s Susan Barron Renee Climans Guenther Gafel Rudolf Graichen
Work sited trc.org/Jehovah.htmhttp:// trc.org/Jehovah.htm ion/resource/jehovahs/jehovah sw.phphttp:// ion/resource/jehovahs/jehovah sw.php EOPLE/VictJeho.htmhttp://fcit.usf.edu/holocaust/P EOPLE/VictJeho.htm And my brother!!!