Values? Definitions? Purpose of death penalty?
Values the responsibility of individuals Defines the individual as wholly responsible for their actions Views the death penalty as society enacting its right to pass moral judgment. Focuses on the responsibility/effects of systems Defines the individual as partially molded/guided by larger influences (economics, race, class, etc.) Views the death penalty as a result of an immoral, flawed, and corrupt system
Acknowledges differences exist but thinks they’re better off “erased” Values harmony of student community the most Could define “education” as a process of merely absorbing the values and information presented Celebrates the showcasing of differences and sees danger in erasing them Values self-expression the most Could define “education” as a process of challenging the status quo and being critical
Sees pirating as a form of protest, but a protest of poor film quality The protest is not very closely tied to the actual complaint– it’s unlikely that pirating will lead to “better” movies Sees pirating as a form of protest, but a protest of the business model of distribution The protest is pretty closely tied to the actual complaint– pirates are showing how different distribution is possible to send a message of change (and it worked before with music).