When Disaster Strikes Prior Preparation, Response, Recovery King W. Gee Associate Administrator for Infrastructure Federal Highway Administration
Event Severity P R O B A B IL I T Y Catastrophic Events Local Disasters Traffic Incidents Major/Regional Events Malevolent Acts Wildfires Floods Malevolent Acts Transp Incidents HazMat Incidents Major Storms TIM Evacuations PSE Preparation and Planned Special Events
Emergency Transportation Operations CD - Compilation of more than 40 resource documents Arranged by focus areas: Traffic Incident Management Traffic Planning for Special Events Evacuation and Disaster Planning
Illustrative Publications FHWA Preparedness & Response Workshops Summary Common Issues in Emergency Transportation Operations Best Practices in Emergency Transportation Operations Communicating with the Public using ATIS During Disasters Simplified Guide to the Incident Command System (ICS) for Transportation Professionals
Evacuation Primers & Workshops Routes to Effective Evacuation Primers Series Using Highways during Evacuations Operations for Events with Advance Notice Using Highways for No-Notice Evacuations Evacuating Populations with Special Transportation Needs Workshops Four regional workshops held to help states and local authorities use the primer series in developing their evacuation plans
Emergency Event Issues Communications with Federal Partners Division Emergency EOCs HQ EC, USDOT Crisis Management Center, FEMA & White House Truck Size and Weight Limits Federal law does not authorize general waivers or temporary exemptions from size and weight limitations. States do not have the authority with regard to Interstate weight limits though they do have the ability to issue permits for non-divisible OS/OW loads. Motor Carrier Drivers’ Hours of Service FMCSA has the authority to suspend hours of service rules
Emergency Relief Program Funded through a $100 M permanent annual authorization Additional funding may be provided through supplemental appropriations Disaster Threshold = $700,000 per State Site Threshold = $5,000 per site Per State Event Cap = $100 million
Emergency Repairs Restore essential traffic, minimize the extent of damage, or protect the remaining facilities Eligible at 100% within 180 days Eligible at normal share beyond 180 days Emergency repair work may include: Debris removal to outside edge of shoulders Traffic control and temporary detours Stabilize damaged roadways Immediate repairs to restore essential traffic
Permanent Repairs Restore highway to pre-disaster conditions Eligible at normal pro rata share (even within 180 days) 80% for non-Interstate 90% for Interstate Increased Federal share based on “Sliding Scale” rates Permanent repair work may include: Debris removal beyond shoulder edge Repair roadway to its pre-disaster condition Replace damaged bridges Replace culverts
Before Disaster Strikes Prior Preparation Resiliency Mitigating vulnerability & risk assessments Response Infrastructure readiness What will you check? Recovery Pre-Positioning & Rebuilding Rapidly
Publication Information Emergency Transportation Operations publications ublications.htm#eto ublications.htm#eto Emergency Relief Program n/erelief.cfm n/erelief.cfm