Research update Dr. Ron Lemenager Beef Extension Specialist
Past DDGS Research Prepartum 1 st calf heifers Prepartum 1 st calf heifers birth weights (9.6 lb) birth weights (9.6 lb) dystocia (23 vs 56%) dystocia (23 vs 56%) Early lactation Early lactation cow TAI conception rates (14 percentage pts) cow TAI conception rates (14 percentage pts) Season-long preg. rates (7 percentage pts.) Season-long preg. rates (7 percentage pts.) Heifer offspring TAI concept. (33% pts) & season preg (17% pts) Heifer offspring TAI concept. (33% pts) & season preg (17% pts) Corn Gluten postpartum Corn Gluten postpartum Does not improve reproduction Does not improve reproduction Recommendation: Use DDGS to meet protein requirement Recommendation: Can use DDGS as an Energy source
New Research Study Results Dry distiller’s grains + solubles (DDGS) Dry distiller’s grains + solubles (DDGS) 1.Fed 0, 30 or 60 days before breeding 30 day - No in reproductive performance 30 day - No in reproductive performance 60 day – numeric TAI and Season-long conception rates 60 day – numeric TAI and Season-long conception rates 2.Fed 0, 5.5, or 10.4 lb DDGS (calving to 19 d post-TAI) HI DDGS TAI conception by 21.2% points HI DDGS TAI conception by 21.2% points 3.Heifer offspring from cows in study 2 Milk consumed had fat, total solids, milk urea N Milk consumed had fat, total solids, milk urea N TAI conception rate by 12% points TAI conception rate by 12% points Similar growth and BCS Similar growth and BCS
Fetal Development 4
Current Developmental Programming Research Fetal programming - 2 nd vs. 3 rd trimester of pregnancy Fetal programming - 2 nd vs. 3 rd trimester of pregnancy – When might DDGS affect female reproduction most??? Lactational programming – bull calves Lactational programming – bull calves – Will bull offspring respond to DDGS like heifer offspring??? Level of progesterone (P 4 ) post-breeding Level of progesterone (P 4 ) post-breeding – Could TAI response seen with DDGS be due to P 4 ???