2 Overview Introduction Nature of an organisation Basic components of organisation (OB) Meaning of OB Realities of OB Developments in management and OB Why we study OB Five basic anchors of OB
3 Nature of an organisation The following definitions by different authors help us understand the nature of an organisation Structure of people that exist in order to achieve specific purposes, common aims and objectives by means of planned and coordinated activities Mullins (2010) Collection of people who work together and coordinate their actions to achieve a wide variety of goals or desired future outcome Jones & George (2011)
Nature of an organisation A group of people who work together to achieve some specific purpose. A system of consciously coordinated activities or forces of two or more people Kinicki & Williams (2013) From the definitions, organisation is not necessarily physical structure (which we usually call ‘workplace’) but how people and work are organised. 4
Nature of an organisation The following five components of people are identified in formal, well-structured organisations. Top management. Concerned with broad objectives and policies, strategic directions of organisation eg MDs, governors, CEOs. Middle management. Coordinate and integrate activities and provide links with operational support staff and organisational support staff, and between the operational core and top management. 5
6 Basic Components of Organisations Operational core. Concerned with direct performance of technical or productive operations and carrying out actual task activities e.g. teaching in a classroom. Organisational support. Concerned with provision of services for the whole organisation e.g. people working in human resource (HR). Operational support. Concerns directly with technical or productive process and closely related to actual flow of operational work eg people working in quality control.
7 Meaning of OB According to McShane & Von Glinow (2000) OB is the study of what people think, feel, and do in and around organisations. From our three definitions of organisation and McShane & Von Glinow’s definition, we can therefore describe OB as the study of behaviour of people within an organisational setting, which involves the understanding, predicting and control of human behaviour.
8 Meaning of OB It is the field of study that investigates the impact that the following have on behaviour within organisations, for the purpose of applying such knowledge towards improving an organisation’s effectiveness. individuals, groups, and structure. OB is not studied in isolation but to help us in our understanding of individual and group behaviour and patterns of structure towards improving organisational performance and effectiveness.
9 Realities of Organisational Behaviour Studies show that one way to recognise why people behave as they do at work is to view an organisation as an iceberg. The iceberg models has it that about only 10% factors that drive people’s behaviour at work are seen and heard by people, with about 90% hidden.
10 Realities of Organisational Behaviour Proponents of the Iceberg Model believe that the organisation is made up of overt – formal aspect of the organisation that focuses only on the top; and covert, the behavioural aspects which is ignored but have great impact on the organisation
11 The iceberg model
12 Development in Management and Organisational Behaviour Classical approach to management (scientific management and administrative management) methods to increase individual worker’s productivity. Human relations movement (treat workers well to boost productivity) belief that an important link exists among managerial practices, morale, and productivity. This is linked to Douglas McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y.
13 Development in Management and Organisational Behaviour Hawthorne studies (workers respond to attention) Two studies: effects of lighting on productivity, and relationships among rest, fatigue, and productivity The results known as the Hawthorne effect The Hawthorne effect is the tendency of people to behave differently when they receive attention because they respond to the demands of the situation.
14 Development in Management and Organisational Behaviour The contingency approach (examine individual and situational differences before taking action) There is no one best way to manage people or work. The contingency approach is derived from the study of leadership styles.
15 Development in Management and Organisational Behaviour Positive organisational behaviour (focus on measurable strengths of workers to improve performance) focus on what is right with people.
16 Why study organisational behaviour Satisfy the need to understand and predict: Helps us figure out why organisational events happen. Influence organisational events: Improves our ability to work with people and influence organisational events. help companies create positive and effective organisational cultures. Toolkit for change agents within organisations
17 Why study organisational behaviour Development of soft (interpersonal) skills Personal growth via insight into others Enhancement of individual and organisational effectiveness refines common sense by challenging you to re- examine generally accepted ideas that may be only partially true
18 Anchors of OB The five anchors of OB
19 Anchors of OB The Multidiscipline Anchor It draws from these disciplines any ideas that will improve the relationships between people and organisation. The scientific method anchor OB researchers rely on scientific method—a set of principles and procedures to explain and understand events and conditions. The contingency anchor the idea that a particular action may have different consequences in different situations; thus no single solution is best in all circumstances.
20 Anchors of OB Multiple levels of analysis anchor OB involves multiple levels of analysis necessary to understand behaviour within organisations OB issues can be studied from individual, team, and/or organisational level Open systems anchor Organisations consist of interdependent parts that work together to continually monitor and transact with the external environment
21 Anchors of OB