DCPV/Rare George W.S. Hou (NTU) Beauty Assisi 1 Direct CP and Rare Decays June 21, 2005 B Physics at Hadronic Machines, Assisi.


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Presentation transcript:

DCPV/Rare George W.S. Hou (NTU) Beauty Assisi 1 Direct CP and Rare Decays June 21, 2005 B Physics at Hadronic Machines, Assisi

DCPV/Rare George W.S. Hou (NTU) Beauty Assisi 2 Outline Machine, Detector, Basic Method Direct CPV in K  Observation of     Polarization in  K *,   K *  Khh Dalitz Analysis Baryonic Modes New Results only at LP05 and EPS

DCPV/Rare George W.S. Hou (NTU) Beauty Assisi 3 KEKB B-Factory Electron 8 GeV Positron 3.5 GeV Υ(4S) (10.58GeV/c 2 )  = Km Tsukuba Mt.

DCPV/Rare George W.S. Hou (NTU) Beauty Assisi 4 Luminosity peak luminosity = /nb/sec (May 18, 2005) 1 fb –1 per day

DCPV/Rare George W.S. Hou (NTU) Beauty Assisi 5 Belle Detector

DCPV/Rare George W.S. Hou (NTU) Beauty Assisi 6 B Signal Reconstruction In Υ(4S) rest frame: e-e- e+e+ B B e-e- e+e+ ∆E∆E M bc 1D-binned fit 2D-unbinned fit

DCPV/Rare George W.S. Hou (NTU) Beauty Assisi 7 B decay continuum events Υ(4S) Main background for hadronic rare B is continuum qq events. (q=u,d,s,c). Topology of continuum events and B decays are different. Choose |cosθ Thrust | S ⊥ R 2 so R 4 so R 2 oo R 3 oo R 4 oo as input to Fisher, and combine it with cosθ B to calculate the L ikelihood R atio. Define modified Fox-Wolfram moment: Use Fisher discriminant to optimize the coefficients. Background Suppression

DCPV/Rare George W.S. Hou (NTU) Beauty Assisi 8 uds charm off reson. sideband L ikelihood R atio ( LR ) Optimize

DCPV/Rare George W.S. Hou (NTU) Beauty Assisi 9 Evidence for DCPV in B  K  253 fb –1 A CP (K +  – ) = –10. 1 ± 2.5 (stat) ± 0.5 (syst) % 2140  53 evts 3.9  w/ BaBar  > 5  CLEO 1999 (PRL 2000) Y. Chao, P. Chang et al. PRL 2004

DCPV/Rare George W.S. Hou (NTU) Beauty Assisi 10 A K  , A  Sizable ICHEP2004 Belle BaBar Sizable T-P Strong Phase SU(3) relates A  =  3 A K   (Gronau & Rosner)

DCPV/Rare George W.S. Hou (NTU) Beauty Assisi 11 A K ≠ A K?A K ≠ A K? A CP ( K    ) = 4  5  2 % 2.4  from K     3.6  w/ BaBar  Large EWPenguin ? Large C ? _d_d d  KK u u BB sb 253 fb –1 728  34 evts Y. Chao, P. Chang et al. PRL 2004

DCPV/Rare George W.S. Hou (NTU) Beauty Assisi 12 Observation of B 0   0  0 Y. Chao, P. Chang et al. PRL fb –1 82  16 evts B = ( 2.32   ) x 10   A CP = 44   17 % Use same flavor-tagging as TCPV analysis Main limiting factor for  2 program from 

DCPV/Rare George W.S. Hou (NTU) Beauty Assisi 13 Polarization in B   K *  K * polarization anomaly? But …?

DCPV/Rare George W.S. Hou (NTU) Beauty Assisi 14 Polarization in B   K * K.F. Chen et al., hep-ex/ , to appear PRL 253 fb –1

DCPV/Rare George W.S. Hou (NTU) Beauty Assisi 15 transversity basis  K * Polarization Naively

DCPV/Rare George W.S. Hou (NTU) Beauty Assisi 16 Confirm f L ~  4.3  evidence for FSI (strong phase) Angular Analysis for  K * Polarization

DCPV/Rare George W.S. Hou (NTU) Beauty Assisi 17 New Physics Test with  K * Polarization T-odd CPV Datta & London 2004

DCPV/Rare George W.S. Hou (NTU) Beauty Assisi 18 More Observables with  K * Polarization

DCPV/Rare George W.S. Hou (NTU) Beauty Assisi 19 Polarization in B    K *  J. Zhang et al., hep-ex/ , submitted PRL 253 fb –1 Non-resonant  + K +  – Significant Take into account in Angular Analysis (2-d unbinned fit projections)

DCPV/Rare George W.S. Hou (NTU) Beauty Assisi 20 Angular ( f L ) Analysis for   K *  helicity basis Another pure-P f L ~ 0.5 A 0 A ± NR-  K 

DCPV/Rare George W.S. Hou (NTU) Beauty Assisi 21 Khh Dalitz Analysis Summary 140 fb –1 A. Garmash et al., hep-ex/ , submitted PRD

DCPV/Rare George W.S. Hou (NTU) Beauty Assisi 22 + A J (f X (1300)) + A 0 (  C0 ) B + K + π + π - : Model Fitting to Signal B +  K + π + π - : Model Fitting to Signal Model Kππ-A J : Model Kππ-A 0 + A 1 (ρ(770)) + A 0 (f 0 (980)) S AJ (Kππ) = A 1 (K*(892)) + A 0 (K* 0 (1430)) fit the data with different spin assumptions Model Kππ-A 0 L=140 fb -1

DCPV/Rare George W.S. Hou (NTU) Beauty Assisi 23 B + K + K + K - : Model Fitting to Signal B +  K + K + K - : Model Fitting to Signal Model KKK-B J : φ(1020) f X (1500) Helicity angle distributions: Model KKK-B 0 A NR (s 13,s 23 ) = a 1 (e -βs 13 + e –βs 23 )e iδ A NR (s 13,s 23 ) = a 1 [(1/s 13 )  + (1/s 23 ) β ]e iδ A NR (s 13,s 23 ) = a 1 e iδ Model KKK-B 0 f X (1500) is best fit with the scalar hypothesis A NR Parameterizations used: L=140 fb -1 S BJ (KKK) = A 1 (φ(1020)) + A J (f X (1500)) + A 0 (  C0 ) + A NR

DCPV/Rare George W.S. Hou (NTU) Beauty Assisi 24 Search for DCPV in B ± K ± π + π - Search for DCPV in B ±  K ± π + π ±92 evtsN(B - ) = 1637±68N(B + ) = 1492±65 Null asymmetry tests: qq related background: A CP (qq)=(-0.83±1.30)% BB related background: A CP (BB)=(-1.15±2.18)% B->Dπ->Kππ signal: A CP (Dπ)=(-1.16±0.86)% Considered as a systematic error due to detector asymmetry A CP (K ± π + π - ) = = (+4.6±3.0 ) % N(K - π - π + ) – N(K + π + π - ) N(K - π - π + ) + N(K + π + π - ) fb –1

DCPV/Rare George W.S. Hou (NTU) Beauty Assisi 25 DCPV Hint in B + ρ 0 K + DCPV Hint in B +  ρ 0 K fb –1 A 2.4σ hint for Direct CP violation in B ± ->ρ(770) 0 K ± ρ 0 A CP ( ρ 0 K ± ) = 27 ± 12 ± 2 %

DCPV/Rare George W.S. Hou (NTU) Beauty Assisi 26 Improved B + ppK + Measurement Improved B +  ppK + Measurement Threshold Peaking BF: 4.59 ± 0.50 x ( 4.89 x 10 -6, PRL92, , 2004) Two-body not yet seen fb –1 217  17 evts M.Z. Wang et al., PLB 2005

DCPV/Rare George W.S. Hou (NTU) Beauty Assisi 27 B 0   p, pp and other B 0  pp < 4.1 x B 0   p < 4.9 x B 0   < 6.9 x % confidence level UL: Belle, 78fb -1 BABAR, 81fb -1 Belle: B +  J/  p  < 4.1 x BABAR: B +  J/  p  < 2.6 x B +  J/  pp < 1.9 x M.C. Chang et al. PRD fb –1

DCPV/Rare George W.S. Hou (NTU) Beauty Assisi 28 threshold peaking Threshold Peaking: ppKs & p 

DCPV/Rare George W.S. Hou (NTU) Beauty Assisi 29 Angular Distribution: ppK + b  s dominant process Fragmentation picture u s uud duu u s K+K+ pp p p K+K+ ӨpӨp X Proton against K - (p against K + ) : flavor dependence! ppK signal at pp rest frame (Expect symmetric distribution if effective 2-body)

DCPV/Rare George W.S. Hou (NTU) Beauty Assisi 30 Outline Machine, Detector, Basic Method Direct CPV in K  Observation of     Polarization in  K *,   K *  Khh Dalitz Analysis Baryonic Modes New Results only at LP05 and EPS

DCPV/Rare George W.S. Hou (NTU) Beauty Assisi 31 Backup

DCPV/Rare George W.S. Hou (NTU) Beauty Assisi 32 Previous B + ppK + pp  + Measurement Previous B +  ppK +, pp  + Measurement 78 fb –1 M.Z. Wang et al., PRL 2004 Threshold Peaking

DCPV/Rare George W.S. Hou (NTU) Beauty Assisi 33 pp  + ppK + pp  + < ppK +