JET EDGE2D Modeling using W bundling Jim Strachan EDGE2D/EIRENE fluid ions and (Monte Carlo neutrals) models the pedestal, SOL, and divertor Used (85 publications) to model JET plasmas with carbon walls and targets Want to extend to ILW (W targets, Be walls) W has too many charged states for EDGE2D, so we are bundling the states together. –A Foster 2008 Ph.D. Thesis (U Strathclyde) –L Lauro-Taroni 2008 EPS This paper describes some of our experience learning about bundling, W screening, and W sputtering. –J Strachan 2010 PSI
Highly ionized charge states exist in the SOL
EDGE2D correctly indicates the distribution
Carbon distribution indicates modest effect of bundling
W distribution indicates bundling has modest effect on charge states
Screening calculation influenced at the 10% level – not significantly
W SOL charge state distribution indicates 3 types of localization
EDGE2D can model ELM events which are repetitive barrier events
W charge state distribution before, during, and after ELM
Discussion Indicated the present status of bundled EDGE2D/EIRENE calculations –Evaluated C and W bundling –W and Be screening –W sputtering through ELMs, but all W machine Future: –Model W spectroscopy –Add second impurity (Be, Ne, O, C) –Use W target, with Be wall –Develop models of mixed deposits